Mark is still in his meeting as he told me, and its time to leave, so after packing up my things. I walk towards the hallway. I want to see Mark tonight and a part of me is afraid of getting hurt. I don't know if I should go home and wait for him to come over, I don't know what he will say or do. I want to also protect my heart, I also don't want to lose my friendship with Mark.
"I'm glad to see you" Sam says, with his gorgeous smile. He walks in step with me.
"Mr Stern is in a meeting, so there wasn't anything much left to do, I won't be coming back tomorrow. He doesn't want me to leave but I have to" I say.
"He is losing someone great, but do what you feel is right"
"I don't want to think of going back home to an empty house, I got such a lot on my mind" I sigh.
"Well, we can go watch a movie tonight, if you want?" he asks.
"That sounds great" I say.
"We can meet there or I can get you at your house" he says as we reach the parking lot.
"I will meet you there, maybe I will go somewhere after the movies" I shrug.
"Great, see you tonight" he says as he walks away.
I walk to my car. My plans for tonight is sorted, I will not see Mark tonight. I drive home so that I can wear something more comfortable, and wait for tonight.
Once I enter the house, my phone rings, I really hope that its not Mark, I take my phone out of my bag. I put the phone to my ear. "Hey dad" I'm happy to hear from him. I walk to the lounge.
"Hey kiddo, how are you? How are things at home and at work? Mark treating you well?" he asks. I sit down on the sofa. No, Mark didn't treat me well I say in my thoughts.
"I'm okay, things at home are good. Mark is treating me okay" I don't want my father to know what happened, so I won't tell him "I decided to try something new. I want to have my own web designing business, so when you are back home, can you help me with everything that is needed?" I ask.
"Honey, that is wonderful, but you know that with me being away on business, I hardly get to see you. So instead of waiting for me, why don't you ask Mark to help you. I'm sure that he won't mind" that is not what I wanted to hear, I don't even want Mark to be involved in my business.
"I want your help dad, not Mark" I say with a heavy sigh.
"Mark won't mind honey. I can explain these things to him, set up a meeting and discuss everything that you would like to discuss. Mark knows more about running a business and what everything it takes to keep it running, just ask him, you won't go wrong with him. He is the best at what he does" he tries to encourage me.
"I will think about it" I say, I really don't feel confident going to Mark with this. There is a knock on the door. "Someone is at the door, I will talk again" I say.
"I love you, honey" my dad says as I get up from the sofa and place my bag on the coffee table.
"I love you too dad" I hang up and place my phone gently next to my bag.
I walk to the door and I open it, Mark stares at me with hunger. I am glued to my spot, my lips slightly parted. Its like everything in my mind that puts up defences stops in that moment. He moves closer, grabbing me and kisses me aggressively, his hand is cupping the back of my head and his other hand is around my waist, I place my hands on his chest. As he kisses me he walks me backwards, he kicks the door shut behind him, and my back is against a wall, I gasp, he enters his tongue inside of my mouth. I try to push him away to get more air, he senses it and he pulls away only inches from my face, we are both panting.
"Don't leave" he whispers.
"I can't work for you" I say, looking at his lips.
"Is this what you want?" he looks at me with desperation in his eyes "You want this. Please stay" he begs.
"You're only doing this for work purposes, you want me for your work, and not for me" I say and I push him further away, I walk to the kitchen, he follows me. I stop at the sink and I turn around to see him standing on the other side of the kitchen counter. "I can't work for you" I say and he looks crushed.
"Gray, I need you" he says desperately.
"What do you need me for?"
"I need, Gray" he says.
I lick my lips as I try to think clearly "By needing me, what do you mean by that?" I brace myself for the answer that I don't want to hear.
"I need you, I want you. Most importantly, I need you to continue to work with me" he says and I scoff , tears start to blur my vision.
"I think you should leave, I have plans" I say, trying to keep it together, because clearly I was right, he needs me more for work. I walk back to the lounge to get my bag and phone.
"Where are you going?" he asks me as if I belong to him. He looks angry with his jaw clenching.
"Out with a friend" I say as I put my bag strap over my shoulder, and I keep my phone in my hand, I just need to get away from Mark.
"What friend?"
"Sam" I say as I walk past him towards the door.
"f**k Sam, stay here with me" he says.
I turn around to face him. "f**k Sam? He is my friend, and I don't know what your problem is with Sam" I say scowling at him.
"I don't like him, especially when he is always bothering you at work" he runs a hand through his hair.
"I have plans with him tonight, and I can't cancel it" I open the door.
"I will go with you" he says.
"No, there is a non-fraternization policy in place, Sam will see you with us, and he doesn't even know that you are a family friend. Jackie is also looking suspiciously at us after what happened today. If you implemented that policy, then its on you. I'm leaving now" I say as I stand by the door, waiting for him to leave.
When I look at him, he looks angry and crushed all at once, he walks to the door and stops beside me "At least text me that you are safe back at home" he says, looking at me.
"Okay" I say impatiently. He walks out and it has started to rain. I didn't even get the chance to change into warmer and comfortable clothes. I sigh although my heartache is sitting heavy in my chest. I lock the door, and I walk to my car as Mark drives away.
Tonight I plan to forget about him and enjoy the movie with Sam. Mark will not see me tomorrow at work because I'm officially done at Sternpoint.
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