CHAPTER 2 : The Game release
~A week after the interview~
"Take care, ok?" my mom said as I hopped out of the car. She waved me good bye before I closed the door and walked towards the school's main gate. I remember what my grandmother used to tell me.
Schools back in her time doesn't look like this. There are no automatic school gates wherein you have to insert your identification card somewhere so that you can get in. It serves as your attendance, and guess what, it'll be hard to skip classes and go to a near computer shop.
Because as we enter, it sends email to our parents informing them that we're at school... plus the security system is strict. It also sends email to our parents if we missed a class or if we failed to pass a school work to our teacher. And I will not forget to mention that the walls that divides the school campus from the outside is quite high, no one can climb up, or if they do... there are some sort of cameras above, and an electric barrier, I think. I don't know, I just hear it from those who attempted.
All of that is weird for a public school. My grandma even told me that during her time, schools only has strict guards whom you have to show your I.D before you enter, if you don't have, you have to have it. The walls aren't that high, some can even climb up and skip classes without everyone knowing, not even your parents.
I inserted my I.D as the gate hissed silently opening it up for me. I walked inside as it opened and some students who inserted their I.D’s after me earlier walked behind me. Everything is really automatic nowadays.
Even our car that I just rode a while ago with my mom, it's floating... it doesn't have wheels.
There were three kinds of car in our country. The one with wheels, the one without wheels that floats feet above, and the one that flies... That's because our country has been avoiding traffic.
I remember my grandma used to complain about heavy traffic during her time. Unlike now, you can reach your destination fast. But of course the cost differs, the flying one is more expensive compared to the first two.
"Good morning ma'am" some students greeted as a teacher walked passed through them, I just smiled at the teacher which she also responded. She doesn't carry anything but only her tablet. It contains everything though... modules, class records, students' outputs, data, and so forth.
Like me, I don't have anything inside my bag... only my tablet, and some things that I wanted to bring. So much for a public school, right? I wonder what private schools have that we don't because I feel like we're a private already... we have air conditioner too which doesn't just produce cold temperature but also some artificial fresh air... you know to prevent diseases...
Except, we don't pay much tuition fees... only some essentials... like the usual
I walked towards my classroom and stood in front of our door. It scanned my face for a moment after I slipped my I.D on a small machine beside it. It quickly opened letting me in. Sometimes I feel like the security system in schools are somehow too much.
You see, it seems like we're being imprisoned for six hours in school. It's very strict that all we do is to sit and to stand whenever we're asked to. But then again, it's for discipline purposes. Like, we have to be aligned whenever we go to science lab or somewhere.
We are not allowed to stand in corridors or to roam around during class hours. That's why it's always closed.
I sat on my chair as I waited for my first subject teacher to enter our classroom, it's only in a few minutes though.
"Pssst!" I heard someone calling me from behind... oh it's Darxi... my only friend here in school. He sits behind me and he does that every day.
"What?" I asked as I turned around to face him. He fixed his glasses before he smiled and waved at me. Don't get me wrong, Darxi has problems with his eyes making him wear his glasses, but he's not a nerd. In fact, he looks cute with his glasses.
And nerds don't exist here in our country ahahaha another fact, we wear glasses as accessories, like if we wanted to look cute...
"Nothing... I just wanna remind you about later..." he stated reminding me of something... oh right! now's the date of the new game's release. A lot of people are saying that it's so cool, so I and Darxi wanted to try it.
We both love playing games especially role play games. We used to do that every time, it's our hobby. It's the only thing that keeps us hanging out.
"Yea, I almost forgot... thanks for reminding me" I said and smiled at him as I punched his shoulder lightly. The game is called B2A1... And Mundo ng Alamat... and I really find cool that makes me wanna try it.
I read a lot of comments and pre-reviews about it online, and they all said it was amazing. I haven't seen a single bad comment about it, so it must be that great to try.
I think it's a MMORPG... I just think so... by the way, it means Massively Multiplayer Online Role Play Game since it is a role play game and it allows massive players playing it. I just think that it is, since it's all about leveling yourself up and topping out of many players...
"No problem..." he said as he went back to his phone, I just turned around and waited for our teacher to come.
"Oh hey" I heard someone calling me... again, and for this time around, I don't like that guy calling me. It's Vic... short for Victon... he's been bugging me since 7th grade... I don't know why, I didn't do anything to him. I just let it pass though since he's not hurting me anyway, just some words I don't like, but I don't actually care.
"Hey" I responded as I looked at him for a while and looked away. He's like... well-known here in our school since he aces in our school's basketball team. He's very good at defense.
"So what up now? Wasting another time at school again?" he asked, I don't get why he waste his time bothering me with his nonsense... I mean, he can just shut his mouth up or do his business...
"Yea ahahaha" I agreed and laughed awkwardly "I just don't understand why you still come here, and why your mom wastes time of her life for you" he added as he smirked and went back to his sit... I just sat there silent while he and his friends laughed crazily... I don't even understand why they laughed, there's nothing funny actually
His head is really like the ball he plays, empty...
Our teacher came shortly after that. She asked us to bring out our tablets and go to our module for her subject. Our tablets are installed with modules for this whole school year, notepads, and other learning materials.
Class finished after series of movements in the clock. Now, I'm heading towards the school exit to go to the game store to buy it with Darxi.
"Text your mom, she might be worried if you go home late" Darxi reminded me again... right, I should tell my mom. I took my phone from my bag while walking and started texting my mom.
-I'll be home late, I'm with Darxi, we're going to the game shop- I said and sent it then put my phone back inside my bag.
"There you are" Vic's voice suddenly startled me that made us stop... he stood tall in front of us halting us from going outside. What the heck! If he’ll stand there longer, we might miss the game... I bet many people wanted it.
"Yea, but we're busy right now... could you please move" I asked kindly so that he'll just move and let us go "Where you guys up to? Waste another time?" he asked as he chuckled and stepped closer to us
"Look, I'm going out with some friends... but my mom didn't lend me some money for it... I was just thinking if I could borrow from you guys... I'll return it if my mom gave me mine" he said
Liar. He always does this to me, asks me for money saying he'll return it... he'll eventually forgets that he borrowed. I can't actually count how much I already gave him... gosh! Such a bothersome, I hate him.
"Here" I said and got my wallet. I already have something for him. I separated some of my allowance so that I won't be bothered by him anymore, I got used to him already "This is all I have, I'm sorry" I said and gave him three hundred pesos, and that's a lot...
He smiled and quickly grabbed the money that's on my hand and pushed me as he ran through us. Asshole! What a jerk! He didn't even thank me... good thing I have money left for buying that game... screw him! Screw that Vic!
We rode a public transportation to get to the mall where we are going to buy the game... I hope they still have it, I hope we're not that late, if we do, screw that Vic! We slipped our card before we went down as we paid for our fair and quickly walked inside to get the game...
"I'm so sorry sir, but we're out stock. Everyone was here early to get it, the last one was bought a few minutes earlier... you might want to come back the next day" the sales lady told us while arranging some things on the shelf... gosh! I'm freaking out! I waited for it! Screw that Vic, if it weren't for him, we could at least have that last one! Ugh! I hate him!
"Thanks miss" Darxi said then we walked out of the store with our shoulders dropped low... I'm so sad... "Looks like we missed it" I said as we sat on a bench outside the mall...
"Yea... let's just wait for next time... I'm sure there will be more for us" Darxi replied as looked at me
"What else... at least we can still play it... screw that Vic-guy" I said sharply and sighed in defeat as we missed the game that we've been waiting for... everyone has been waiting for...
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