After some time, Satomi became so tired of working on the experiment and started to sleep in the same room. Without noticing it Danny just wrote and drew some of the places on the earth and he was describing it to her without knowing that she had already fallen asleep. After some time, suddenly some people entered the dragon kingdom wearing secret cloth. And slowly they were searching every place to find something important. Then at last they reached the experiment room of princess Satomi.
At that time they noticed Danny and were shocked. Soon they put a magic spell on him, without noticing anything, Danny started to feel dizzy and slowly lost consciousness. Why am I getting dizzy all of a sudden? Is this another punishment from that bastard prince? While thinking about it, Danny just says out loud, “Satomi… help me”. After hearing it, she woke up from her sleep and saw the intruders.
“Oh… At last the true color of wizards were came to light. Even after the treaty you just crossed your border and came inside the Dragon’s castle, how dare you lowly creature Wizards…”. By saying it, soon Satomi started to chant a spell on the wizards. It was a powerful spell that can only use my dragons. This spell can able to tear out the soul from the body while they are alive. Dragging out the soul is more painful than taking out the heart while being alive. So everyone fears dragons and never crosses paths with them but only one kind of race will dare them to fight. And it was Wizard’s race.
While she was chanting the spell, Danny gained his consciousness slowly and he sees Satomi looking at him and doing some magical spell. While watching it in half-conscious, Danny started to murmur something but no one can able to hear it. And the princess finished her chanting soon and attacked the wizards. She didn't care about Danny because he was just a usable waste and she could dispose of him without any problem. At that time the light beam gets closer to them suddenly it was scattered and destroyed without a trace. And then one person steps in front and takes off her secret cloth.
Satomi was shocked after seeing her face and asked “Why is the wizard leader’s granddaughter here? What are you planning?” For while they both staring at each other and the other wizards were being in slight fear because now they facing the powerful dragon of the era. In each era, two dragons were born into the royal family and they both be very strong and ruled the Dragon kingdom. And this era has Tatsumi and Satomi, they are the strongest dragons in the kingdom. And the girl who stopped her attack was the granddaughter of the wizard village leader.
Aradia was the most powerful witch in the village, and also no one dared to defy her. She has more power than her grandfather but still, she was waiting for the moment to take the throne. There are so many reasons she is being quiet without overthrowing her grandfather from the leader. But the only thing she wants is to take the throne and prove that even the witch can rule the wizards and can enter into the race between dragons.
After blocking the attack, Aradia looked at Satomi and smiled with her devilish look. “Is that all you got now? I expected more from the royal” At that moment Satomi was so angry towards her and replied “Don't you dare speak about power. You are a weaker race by comparing the dragons but we can say you are exceptional because you are not even the wizard race. After using the forbidden spell, you lost your witch blood what was run as your blood but now you are just a being, which has no name. While she was saying it, the other wizards were just looking down and being so quiet.
When Satomi said to Aradia that she was not a witch, it hurt her more and suddenly she lost her composure and was planning on fighting with the princess. At the same time, the dragon soldiers were identified, some people entered the castle and started to ring the alarm around the place. After some minutes with Tatsumi, more soldiers were surrounding the entire castle area and searching every nook and cranny. Soon the wizards and Aradia noticed and thought about their escape plan.
“Why are you kidnapping him? I have more work to do with him?” At that time Aradia tried to tell something but without any choice, she stopped to tell and started to run away from that place. Soon they started to notice that every place was filled with Dragon soldiers. And at that moment one of the wizards said to Aradia, “Leader, there is no way for us to escape. While I was fighting with the dragon soldiers just got out of here without any problem. I will try to stop them as much as possible”. While he was saying Aradia was sad and replied “There is no way I would take one of my men as bait. It will disgrace my name in future, so don't even think about it”.
And while she was saying it to him, Danny slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Also now he can talk a little louder than before. While gaining consciousness, he just murmurs “Satomi… Where am I going? Who are you guys?” And when he was talking aloud Aradia heard his voice and got near to him. His other subordinate is holding Danny on his shoulder. “Hey… Stupid monkey being as wizard why are you came here?”
After asking this question Aradia notices that he was being somewhat different. After noticing it her reaction was changed and started to look around his body to check any marks but there were none. She was really surprised and asked him, “Who are you and how do you have the mana of a wizard without any birthmark? Have you already died and come back to life? No it can’t be possible”. While she was interrogating Danny, the soldiers got in them.
“Leader, they are approaching us so fast, we need to get out of here soon,” one of her subordinates said to her and Aradia was also thinking so tough about escaping from that place. And Aradia was trying to use a transportation spell, but it was blocked for some reason. And then all the dragon soldiers with Tatsumi arrived and looked at them. And the Dragon Prince Tatsumi says to Aradia “You forgot about our treaty, in that we got a spell which can block the wizard’s specific spell. And we used it for transportation because even if you get inside the Dragon castle, there is no way out for you”. When he said it Aradia and others were shocked to know that it was true.
And then Tatsumi ordered his soldiers to kill every single one of them without any mercy. At that time one of the soldiers asked him about Danny but Tatsumi just said “I didn't trust him, so just kill with them without any change. Don't waste time, we have work to do for the race”. After he says it Tatsumi gets back and looks at them from a higher place. He wants to see everyone die and enjoy it as a fun show.
Then just like he ordered, every dragon soldier was forming a group and got close to Aradia and her team. At that time Danny started to wake up from his dizziness and the first thing he said after getting up was, “Satomi… Satomi… Help me”. When he shouted every soldier stopped getting near and looked at him for a few seconds. And from being above Tatsumi shouted at his soldiers, “You idiots why are you guys stopped moving, just kill them soon. Otherwise I just use my power and kill you all with that puny wizard group”.
After he said it, the soldiers were started to attack them with the polearm. Wizards were trying to use their spell to block it but somehow they really felt so weak and their powers were getting weaker second by second. At that time Tatsumi shouted, “Don't feel doubt my puny wizards, we surrounded the area with an anti-magic spell. Now you can’t able to use any spell around here. Sure you all going to die. While he was saying it without any choice Aradia started to fight with the dragon soldiers.
“There is no way I am going to die here without achieving my goal, if that happens then even my soul will destroy itself”. The fight between the dragon soldiers and Aradia. She was being alone and fighting all the soldiers so easily but the numbers were so tough. Even though she was able to defeat the soldiers, the number of soldiers was more than a thousand. So sure she will be defeated and the anti-magic spell was also making her weak second by second.
Her subordinates were trying to help her but they were also facing tough soldiers and weren't able to do anything. And Danny was in a half-conscious state and walking here and there without any clear vision. “Where am I and why are there so many people surrounding me?” While he was in that state some dragon soldiers surrounded him and tried to attack him but at that time Aradia got in there and started to beat every one of them. And without any help, he fell towards Aradia and murmured something.
“Hey, get up from me, this is no time for falling asleep”. While she was saying it the other soldiers were getting near to attack them, at last, the energy they had in them was fully drained and everyone was got close to each other and the soldiers were surrounded them. At that time Danny was still murmuring something and then Aradia said to him “Hey, I don't who you are but you are the only one who still has the mana without draining a single energy so just use it to help us escape from here”.
When she said it Danny looked at her and was shocked by her beauty. And the first thing he said to her was “You look so beautiful”. When he said it everyone looked at him and Aradia was felt nervous little and her face changed into red at cheeks. Then while being half-conscious Danny shouted “I will help you” and places his hand on the ground. Then soon a portal opened there and Aradia and her subordinates escaped from there with Danny.
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