After dragon soldiers went from that place by chasing the tornado, Aradia and her subordinates got away from there and searched for a route towards the Elves kingdom. “Aradia, do you know where that Elves kingdom is situated? Or do you have any map with you?” When Zilon asked her, Aradia replied to him, “I don't have a map of the Elves kingdom, only my grandfather has that map. As per the rule of the treaty, only the leaders have the map of this world. And if anyone tries to draw a new map then they will be executed in front of four country kings''.
“Then how we can able escape from these dragon soldiers, I think they will return here soon after they capture that mystery wizard,” Palon said and worried about the situation and at that time Arago said to them, “He has name… He said his name is Danny. And I am sure he was not from our world. He would be summoned here by someone or he would be reincarnated here”. When he said it Aradia and the other two of them were shocked and looked at him. Then Aradia gets near to him and asks “When did you talk with him? And did he say anything other than his name?”.
And to that Arago replied, “Sister don't come close makes me nervous, he didn't say anything other than his name but I guess he came to this world from two to three days ago”. Aradia was disappointed with his answer and said “It's wrong to expect more from you. Grandfather is thinking that one day you will become an as great man and become the next leader to the wizard village. And you just be like a child and doing nothing but follow my step”. After saying it she just knocked Arago’s head a little hard.
After that, they just walk in a straight route to find the kingdom, but still, they aren't able to find it. And in the distance, Zilon finds a forest and informs Aradia. “I think I will be able to see a forest at a distance, I think we can get there to find any elves and find a way to their kingdom”. After that, the four of them started to walk fast towards the forest and entered before any other dragon soldiers got there. After reaching there, everyone started to look for elves but they weren't able to find anyone.
“Sister, do you think we can find any elves here? I think this forest is to protect themselves from others. I studied in books that elves soldiers lived in a forest which was situated before the kingdom and two villages. It was like an entrance to the kingdom but it was really hard to cross it because there will be more dangerous things that can harm dragons and wizards”.
Aradia and others were confused when he said about the danger in the forest. And to know more about it they asked him to explain. “Sister, by order of treaty, the Elves king got some secrets about Dragon and Wizard and developed something hideous and he placed them all over the place around the kingdom to protect themselves from us and the dragon. That’s why even the dragon is afraid to step into this forest and without any choice, we are here now.
After he said it Zilon and Palon were scared and shouted at him, “Why didn't you say it early, now what can we do to escape from this creepy forest before anyone dies here. I don't want to die here because I have to express my love to that person before I die. Even if I fall, then help me and do anything to bring me back alive”. While he was saying it slowly he started to lose his consciousness. Zilon noticed that Palon was losing his consciousness by looking at his hands and leg. At first, Palon started to shake his hand and leg faster and soon it lost its strength and he fell to the ground. Aradia saw it and was shocked, they three were looking at his body but they weren't able to find anything.
At that time Arago notices a small snake getting out from Palon’s foot and soon he takes his legs and looks if something is happening and just like he feared, the snake which gets out from Palon’s leg was bitten by him and it was injected with some kind of poison inside his body. After noticing it, Arago slowly calls Zilon and Aradia and shows the bite mark to them. They didn't want to tell the truth to Palon because he would panic all of a sudden and it would be a problem right now.
So Aradia places a spell to slow the blood flow on his leg, because it was made by spell and also Palon was already in an unconscious state, he didn't know anything. After that Aradia and Zilon asked Arago about that snake and asked him to describe it. And just as they asked, he also described it but nothing matches with Aradia’s knowledge. And then they realize that for wizards they set the traps as a snake. Which gets near to us silent and bites us without notice. And then soon they would die without any help.
Then without any choice, Zilon and Arago lifted Palon on their shoulders and started to run towards the forest. Aradia was looking around and placed some powerful barrier spells to protect themselves from any other traps like snakes. They don't know what will happen next so they prepare themselves for it.
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