H8: Do not panic. I know that the incident is enough to make a grown man shiver, but for now, we are safe. It is better to focus on the positives rather than be worried about the obstacles.
D18: Everyone is standing on their death bed until they go past the finish line. Till now, we did not take it seriously, blamed one another. It stops now. We should empower each other, and only then, there may be a possibility for us to win.
' It is time for the next question. The sixth question is, " Which Shopkeeper takes your stuff and charges money for the same. "
I repeat, " Which Shopkeeper takes your stuff and charges money for the same." '
P4: My mind is disturbed by what happened just now. I don't know if I would be able to think properly.
E3: Even if we think, I am afraid if we would be able to press the buzzer.
E7: Fine, then. Let's sit this one out. But please clear your mind till the next question. We can not afford to lose easy questions.
I1: Yes, guys. We will skip this question. I do not want to be the next person to go down.
Since all of them decided to skip the question, they did not even think about the answer. Their minds full of possible scenarios that might happen and that was too much for them that they could afford to do multitasking at that moment. They needed a moment to clear their minds.
Every team was now afraid to press the buzzer now. The first player of every team was more horrified than the rest. Every team was looking at one another to see which team would press the buzzer.
The time to answer the question passed.
' None of the teams activated the buzzer. I will state the answer after saying the question, " Which Shopkeeper takes your stuff and charges money for the same. " The answer is a barber. '
The answer was simple, yet difficult.
No team did not feel like they had missed an easy question.
Even after the incident, no player made any noise. They were shocked but remained calm. But things took a turn when the organizer said, ' There have been some changes in the round which I would be communicating now. Earlier, it was mentioned that, after every ten questions, the players at the end, would be disqualified. But it has been now reduced to six questions. And to compensate for that, every team can now help two other teams when they answer a question correctly. Since the changes are executed in the mid-game, every team that has remained in their position till now will be given a free advance. The teams that meet the criteria can now move one step ahead. '
When the organizer said that the questions were decreased to six, the teams which did not answer any question got scared to their deaths, but when they heard about the free advance, they cooled down. It is not that they escaped the death completely, but it just got postponed. but the player on the last is a bit relieved.
' It is time for the next question. The seventh question is, " You see a boat filled with people. The boat has not sunk, but when you look again, you don't see a single person on the boat. Why? " I repeat, " You see a boat filled with people. The boat has not sunk, but when you look again, you don't see a single person on the boat. Why? " '
A15: Maybe the boat had left or a high tide might be preventing it from visibility.
H8: We need to think harder. In the first look, they mentioned people. In the second look, they changed people to a single person. Does that mean, the people are referred to as a group and that is why we can not see a single person, because we see a group?
D18: The answer definitely revolves around people and a single person for sure, but I think the answer H8 said needs some changes.
N19: Maybe by single person, they literally mean a person who does not have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Instead of using the word group, if we assume that all the people are married, then we can say that the reason we do not see a single person is because all of them are married.
A15: H8. Press the buzzer.
H8: Are you sure? We were confident about our last answer, but it turned out wrong.
A15: My low self-esteem might have saved me last time, but it might not save me again and again. Sometimes we need to take risks despite the consequences. So, before I change my mind, press the buzzer.
Every team member nodded their heads, and H8 pressed the buzzer.
' Team 27 has activated the buzzer. After I repeat my question, please state your answer. " You see a boat filled with people. The boat has not sunk, but when you look again, you don't see a single person on the boat. Why? " '
' The reason is that all the persons on the boat were married. '
' That is correct. Congratulations, Team 27, you can now move one step ahead. You now have the power to help two teams to progress a step ahead. Choose wisely. '
H8: Uff. We answered our first question and obtained the power. Congratulations team.
A15: Who are we going to help now?
C15: We will search for a new team as Team 26 has already helped us, we do not need them anymore. We will find a new team who can help us back further.
H8: What if the team that we help now would think in the same way that we did? In situations like this, we need to make sure that a bond which formed should not be broken. If we help Team 26, who had helped us earlier, then that would make us trustworthy, and they will be inclined to help us at times.
D18: H8 is right. I am getting good vibes from Team 26. So it is better to stick with them rather than double-crossing them.
H8: And our second selection should be Team 49 since they were the ones to first answer the question. We need to make allies with teams that can help us move forward.
C15: If that is the case, we can also choose Team 4.
H8: We can. I just wanted to pick a team that has the capability to answer a question.
C15: Fine then. Go with Team 49.
H8 made a call to Team 26.
H8: As promised, we are now helping you back by using our power on your team. I hope that this will form a bridge between us, and either of the teams would help each other in finishing the round without any loss.
E7: Thank you for keeping your word. In times of need, our team has always got your back.
H8 then made a call to Team 49 and they formed a partnership with them.
H8 then announced, ' We would like to help Team 26 and Team 49 in moving forward. '
' Team 26 and Team 49 can move one step ahead. '
By this advance, Team 26 and 49 became the teams that were leading the round.
Five more questions were asked, and various teams answered the questions, but Team 26 was still in the lead, and Team 25 did not get a chance to help Team 26 back.
A total of 12 questions were completed and it was now time for the last row to get disqualified from the game. Since all the teams were given a free pass, when the tiles slid, none of the players fell down since there were no players standing on them in the first place. Now that the last row is eliminated, the second last row became the last row and the game was back to square one. The players on the last tile were afraid as before.
All the twelve questions were either from logical reasoning or riddles, and the players who could not answer any questions were praying for a topic change.
' Now the questions that will be asked would be different from the previous ones, and after a team gives the answer, a little extra information about that answer would be communicated. This is done to enhance a player's knowledge. The thirteenth question is, " What is the deepest hole ever dug into the earth? " I repeat, " What is the deepest hole ever dug into the earth? "
D4: I think our time has come. I know the answer, should I press the buzzer?
K10: Care to share the answer before you press the buzzer ?
D4: It is called Kola well, which was dug in Russia.
K10: Go on.
' Team 25 has activated the buzzer. After I repeat my question, please state your answer. What is the deepest hole ever dug into the earth? '
D4: The answer is Kola Well was dug in Russia, and it is approximately 7 km deep.
' That is correct. Congratulations, Team 25, you can now move one step ahead. You now have the power to help two teams to progress a step ahead. Choose wisely. '
A3: Well, how do you know that?
D4: Let's just say when you get an assignment that involved making people disappear, we used the kola well and that is why I am very familiar with it.
K10: Russians really like to be dramatic, eh.
D4: The teams that I would like to help with are Team 26 and Team 27. I am helping Team 26 as they have helped us before and I am helping Team 27 as they can be of use to us in further questions.
The rest of the team just nodded and D4 then announced that they would like to help Team 26 and Team 27.
' Team 26 and Team 27 can move one step ahead. Now it is time to be informative. The deepest hole by far is one on the Kola Peninsula in Russia near Murmansk, referred to as the "Kola well." It was drilled for research purposes beginning in 1970. After five years, the Kola well had reached 7km (about 23,000ft). Work continued until the project was abandoned in 1989 because the drill became stuck in rock at a little over 12km (almost 40,000ft or 8 miles) deep. The project cost over $100 million, which is about $2500 per foot. That is expensive digging. The bottom of this hole was about 190°C. '
' Now, moving on to the next question. The question is, " Which emperor had molten silver poured into an enemy leader's eyes and ears as a punishment? " I repeat, " Which emperor had molten silver poured into an enemy leader's eyes and ears as a punishment? " '
P4: Since they are talking about emperors, that would rule out ruthless leaders like Joseph Stalin and Hitler.
E7: We need to go further into the history and then we would have Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan and I do not know the names of Ottoman Empire rulers.
E3: Don't you think most of the ruthless leaders might have used the above-mentioned action as a punishment?
E7: Well, many might have adopted that technique, but only a few are recognized by it. There were also brutal punishments like boiling the enemies in water and all. My choice would be Genghis Khan. The reason is Caesar might have been responsible for countless deaths, but he did not emphasize giving brutal punishments.
P4: I feel the same. I have also read a book about Genghis Khan, and I definitely remember a punishment like this mentioned in that book. I know I1's life depends on this answer, but I am sure that this would be the right one.
I1: I have trusted you all till this point, and I would like to trust you even now. So, go on, press the buzzer.
' Team 26 has activated the buzzer. State your answer after I repeat the question. " Which emperor had molten silver poured into an enemy leader's eyes and ears as a punishment? "
E7 then said, ' The answer is Genghis Khan. '
' Congratulations. That is correct. You can move one step ahead. You now have the power to help a team to progress a step ahead. Choose wisely. '
E7: Since all the teams got an advance and the last row got eliminated, all the teams that have not answered any question are again in danger. We can choose anyone we want. Shall we choose a team that has answered a question, or shall we choose a new team and make them our allies?
E3: The question is should we look out for our best interest or choose an ethical way. If that is decided, then I think the choice will be clear.
I1: Guys, I know that you all want to help people. That is really great, and you have my respect for that. But for once, think about me and P9. We are all open to saving others, but we can do that wholeheartedly once after we cross the end line.
In situations like that, the first instinct of most people would be to save themselves. We cannot expect everyone to be noble in the face of death. Every person who came to this place has their own baggage and people waiting for them. The rest of the team valued I1's point because they could not imagine how they would be doing if they were in his shoes, the closest one to stare at the death.
E7: Alright, then. Since our neighboring teams, 25 and 27 are out of danger for now. We would choose a team that has answered a question and a team that has not. So I would like to call Team 4, which has answered a question, and Team 24, which has not. Is that okay with everyone?
Everyone nodded and E7 then called Team 4, and they agreed to help them back. Post that he made a call to Team 24, and they were more than excited about helping each other.
E7: We would like to help Team 4 and Team 24 in advancing a step.
' Team 4 and Team 24 can now advance a step. It is now time to be informative. There are many stories about the legendary brutality of Genghis Khan and his murderous exploits. The khan was proud of his murderous rampages and felt that the terror they inspired should be helpful in causing more enemies to join his side without him losing any men. While these campaigns of terror were business as usual for the khan, many people didn't realize that if you made him feel personally insulted, he could be even more brutal and punishing than you could imagine.
A large city led by a noble named Inalchuq was in the way of the khan's conquest, and the khan was in a very, very incensed mood. Years before, he had sent a large caravan of 500 men in the hopes of creating more trade routes in the region. Inalchuq had had the entire caravan decimated and rejected the khan's peace offering completely. So it was that the khan killed the entire civilian population, utterly wrecked all remnants of the city, and killed the offensive leader by having molten silver poured into his eyes and ears. This is perhaps one of the oldest examples of someone being brutally punished for shooting the messenger-something the khan clearly would not tolerate. '
The questions continued, and the teams that answered them correctly moved forward along with two other teams of their choice. It was fun and exciting for the teams that were leading the game, but a nightmare for the teams that stayed behind. At times, some of the players began to break the rules when it was time for the last rows to be eliminated. The players on the last row were leaving their tile and standing on the next one to avoid death. The Organizer clearly warned them that if they do not abide by the rules of the game, then not only would they lose the round, but their family also loses the money that the player had earned so far. Some of the players sacrificed their life hoping that their death would change the lives of their families but few of the players could not let go of their lives despite the consequences. The thought of falling down and getting eaten away by sharks was terrifying. But eventually, by using sedatives, the players were brought back to their respective tiles and then the tile slid off.
Some of the players, when they answered a question wrong, panicked, and the first player of the team started to run towards the finish line, but as they were running, all the tiles slid off and they became food for the sharks. H8's team could not answer any question until the questions related to technology finally arrived. H8 alone answered most of the questions and helped his team as promised. But the tragedy was, he had given a wrong answer in between, because of which A15 has lost the round. E7's team who were calm till then despite the players falling down were startled when they witnessed the tragedy at a close sight.
I1 had seen his team mates perform well till this point, but there was always doubt in his mind about what happens if they would give an answer wrong. He would not be able to meet his family ever again. The last time he saw his family was before when he came here and he did not end the last conversation they had on good terms.
Even though, he did not provide his family with what they need, he was always there for them. But if he die now, he could not do the only thing that he was able to do. He couldn't be for them anymore. On the bright side, even if he lose his life, then his family would be taken care of and that alone kept him going. The round finally ended after 46 questions. People were literally playing the games of death. When the round finally ended, the players who were alive finally took a deep breath. At that moment, they truly understood the importance of being alive.
The people do not really take care of themselves these days. They take the boons of nature for granted for the sake of materialistic pleasantries. They do not realize what they are doing until it is late. But now, since they are on the verge of losing their lives, they are truly understanding how precious life is. The blind craves for the sight of nature and the world, the deaf craves for the sound of wind and music, the mute crave to talk and socialize with people. But when a person has them all, they do not crave these things. They become prisoners of technology, isolate themselves from the people around them because of gadgets.
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