The next morning's breakfast also consisted of fruits and milk. The players used to sip the milk with the straw given as if it was a cool drink. After having their breakfast, the organizer popped on the screen.
' Good morning, players. I hope that you all enjoyed the free day. But today, you are going to play round 3. And before that, as usual, I am going to tell you a story. The story is taken from Greek Mythology, and it is the tale of Echo and Narcissus.
When Liriope gave birth to the handsome child Narcissus, she consulted the visionary Tiresias, who predicted that the boy would live a long life only if he never discovered himself. One day Narcissus was walking in the woods when Echo, an Oread (mountain nymph) glimpsed him, fell deeply in love, and followed him.
Narcissus felt he was being followed and shouted "Who's there?".
Echo repeated, "Who's there?"
She eventually revealed her identity and attempted to embrace him. He stepped away and told her to leave him alone. She was heartbroken and spent the rest of her life in lonely valleys until nothing but an echo sound remained of her.
Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, noticed this behavior after learning the story and decided to punish Narcissus. Once, during the summer, he was getting thirsty after hunting, and the goddess lured him to a pool where he leaned upon the water and saw himself in the bloom of youth. Narcissus did not realize it was merely his own reflection and fell deeply in love with it as if it were somebody else. Unable to leave the charm of his appearance, he eventually realized that his love could not be reciprocated and he melted away from the fire of passion burning inside him, eventually turning into a gold and white flower.
But today, narcissism is a kind of behavior that is considered to be a mental disorder in which people have an exaggerated sense of their own importance, a deep need for extreme attention and affection, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a delicate self-esteem that's vulnerable to the remotest criticism.
Individuals with a narcissistic personality disorder may be typically unhappy and dissatisfied when they're not given the special favors or admiration they believe they deserve. They may find their relationships unfulfilling, and others may not enjoy being around them.
Living with people who have narcissistic personality disorder is exhausting because of the constant need for appreciation and attention which would drain out the energy of other people. They always want to be the center of attraction and also want things to proceed as they want them to. If one realizes the presence of a narcissistic person in their circle, it is better to move away and maintain distance from them.
The former part is the story and the latter part is some information about the narcissistic personality. After half an hour, we shall begin the next round. Until then, rest well and get ready to face the next round. '
E7: Well, the story is comparatively shorter than the previous ones.
E3: The whole story and the information revolved around the term " Narcissism. " Can you guys tell what is narcissism in a few words?
E7: Obsession with self.
P4: Right. They only care about themselves. Feels like they are superior to others.
E7: They are selfish and would like to win at any cost despite the consequences faced by others.
E3: Well, that kind of attitude is toxic and they will only end up alone. So, in short, this characteristic is harmful and will only lead to their doom.
P9: All that is okay, but what is the takeaway from the story? If thinking about oneself while ignoring others is toxic, then what was everyone doing till now? Everyone wants themselves to survive and if that is unacceptable, then I guess we all will perish.
I1: So, what. We all should turn noble from now on?
E7: Exactly. Maybe that is what the organizer is trying to communicate. What if when the situation comes and instead of thinking about yourself if you think about other people, maybe that will help you. What if sacrificing is the key to victory?
P9: Hell, no. It may sound good to hear, but I am not going to sacrifice myself and hope that good thing comes my way.
E3: It is not time for who is right and who is wrong, alright. Let us just remember that exaggerated self-love is toxic and we will avoid that as much as we can, just for this round.
A15: Okay. This story is really short. I do not even understand the moral exactly. What is it trying to tell?
D18: Maybe loving oneself more than required yields problems and in the case of narcissus, it led to his death.
C15: I mean who falls in love with themselves. No matter how handsome or pretty one looks, you do not love them in the way he did. That really does not make any sense.
H8: Well we do not know how he looks and it might not even be a real story. So let us focus on something useful rather than pondering on stuff that might be a myth. So, a narcissist, as the organizer had already explained is a person who is extremely obsessed with himself. Cares only about themselves and don't give a f**k about others. So, do not be like that and do not befriend people like that. Let us hope for the best.
The half-hour time seemed like a very long one. Players were nervous about how they are going to die this time. If in case, they were to die, they hoped that it would be a quick one and free from any terror. the moments before you know that you are going to die is horrendous. They wanted to die in peace, but the event has some other plans.
The teams discussed for a while and then remained silent after that. No one wanted to talk. They just wanted to stay silent. Everyone tried to lower their heart rates and slow their breathing. They wanted to exhale all the stress from the past and fear of the future. Even though people were afraid, they did not need any motivation, they have crossed that stage. After the Shark Attack, the players kind of turned into cold-hearted species, as if nothing can bother them after what they have been through. But the desire to survive and go home kept them on their toes, kept the flame ignited inside their cold hearts.
The time given by the organizer finally ended and then he came back online. Without the organizer, the players felt like they were little kids abandoned at an alien place. But the presence of the organizer made them feel better somehow.
' Hello, players. It is time to begin our next round. But before we go to that place, I want everyone to form a team of 2. I will now give you 10 minutes to make your teams. The players who fail to make a team will straight away be disqualified. Your time starts now. '
It was easier now to form a team as the players are now familiar with other players. But the question is, would the teams play against another team or play among themselves. If the latter idea is true, then one of them must sacrifice for the sake of others and it would be a difficult decision to make as the players have already developed a bond between them.
P4: What are we going to do now? Should we team up with players among ourselves or the one with whom we played in the first round?
E7: I think we should team up with people that we do not know. What if the organizer makes the teammates face themselves? I can not imagine being in a situation where one of you is my teammate. Of course, my perception might be false, but pairing up with someone random is better in every scenario. So, I would like to search for another teammate.
E3: Same feeling. I will not be able to decide if it is me vs one of you guys. I will also look for another teammate too.
Everyone else also thought that it would be best to find a new teammate. They all looked at one another for one last time before they depart to play the round and not sure if they would return from the round in one piece.
A15: So, I and D18 will form a team. What about you guys?
C15: H8, would you like to be my teammate?
H8: I think it is better for you to form a team with N19. I can find another player to play with me.
' Someone weaker and more vulnerable, so I can manipulate and control the strings however I like, ' H8 murmurs such that no one could hear him.
The reason why he wanted to find another teammate was, now that everyone had already known his story, there is nothing more for him that he can use and manipulate. His teammates would easily understand that whatever he would say additionally is a lie. He suspected that the game can be something that makes the teammates fight among themselves and if he would have partnered up with one of his teammates, then he knew that nothing that he would have said would convince them to give up their lives. He needed someone who can take a fall for him with enough persuasion. H8's mind was thinking about this stuff while his eyes were on the lookout for one such person. He found his prey, stalked him, and made him his teammate.
The time given by the organizer was more than sufficient for everyone to form their teams. But they all had to wait till the timer ended and when it did, the organizer reappeared.
' I hope all the players have successfully formed a team. It is now time to follow the officers to the place where you all would be participating in the next round. '
The officers then ushered the teams to the place where they would be challenging their death again. the players were again going through the same path, but different turns and different doors. H8 realized that memorizing the path is now useless as that gives him no upper hand in the game. But it became a habit and he could not help but remember every turn. In fact, he also remembered the paths taken for the first round and the second one as well.
The players were all tensed as they knew that even this round would also involve life and death. So, they decided not to think about it until they get there. They wanted to be at peace, at least for this brief time before they get to the place.
Even though they were walking on the ground, their minds were lost in their thoughts, trapped in the scenarios their brain was so busy creating. Imagination was what kept them from thinking about the game. They wanted to be happy even if it is not real. They wanted to escape the pain of reality by imagining themselves in a fantasy. Of course, it works. It provides an exit to escape from everything that is bothering them. Some might imagine happy scenarios that may not be possible to happen in real life. While the others were imagining the worst scenarios that may happen. Our mind is not really in our control, we do not have enough power to command it to think something that we want. It thinks what it wants and you just have to go with the flow.
As the distance between them and the place became closer, the players became worried as they are walking towards their death. They are not ready to come out of the fantasy yet. They still want to imagine everything that they want to do after they get out of here. They want to do everything that was not possible before. But now since they have a lot of money, nothing is impossible for them.
Fate might either help them live the life they imagined or this round would cease their existence.
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