'It's dark...'
'Where am I...?', Jay questioned himself.
He failed to realize where he was because he was surrounded with darkness on all sides.
He turned his gazes here and there but the result was the same every time, he failed to find anything. IN fact, he got confused the more he tried to look and think about the uncanny phenomenon.
'It's cold...'
He was losing the warmth from his body at the same time too. It was quite uncomfortable.
He did try to get out of this but unfortunately he had no idea about what to do. All he could do as think and break his head.
He thought that he would be lost in this endless darkness when all of a sudden he heard a weird voice which was calling out to him.
"Wake up!"
In the end the voice was so loud that it ended up waking Jay up.
"Huh? What? Where?", as soon as he opened his eyes and sat up, he looked here and there as if he was startled.
He could clearly recall that he was in some abyss or some dark place.
"A dream...?", he said in a low voice.
Of course, that was the only conclusion he could get from that.
Regardless, he was awake now from the dark slumber through which he had gone through.
"Sigh, it's good that you are fine..."
Jay heard the same voice again. He swiftly turned his gazes left since that was the direction from which he heard the voice.
"Haha, hello..."
"...", Jay was speechless. He was utterly speechless when he saw a girl sitting towards his left and greeting him by waving her hand.
She had reddish pink hair and a fair skin. Of course, that was what Jay thought first.
But then suddenly his head started to pain as if something was entering it forcefully.
"Argh!", Jay held his head and rolled on the ground for a moment because the pain was so immense that it was practically unbearable.
Death would have been much more painless than this.
"What the heck?"
."It feels as if it will burst!", indeed, he was talking about his head.
What could he do other than holding it tightly while trying to fight against the pain? Nothing, probably that was the answer.
"Bear with it for a minute...", the girl said in a low voice.
She seemed a bit hesitant for some reason. Also, she was looking at Jay with the eyes that told that she could give away everything to reduce his pain.
Regardless, Jay couldn't hear her right now because his ears were also ringing.
However, he did see her lips moving and just by seeing that, he was able to conclude what she tried to say.
He controlled himself as much as he could and just as she said, the pain vanished the same way as it came - Suddenly!
"Eh? Now it's..."
"Fine!?", he was shocked when the pain faded.
He sat up again while trying to verify if it was for real by hitting his head once or twice.
Nevertheless, the pain had really gone and he felt as if he was the happiest person on earth!
"It really happened the way you sai-", he turned back towards the girl and wanted to thank her for whatever she said but suddenly, his voice stuck in his throat and prevented itself from leaving his mouth.
"You are...", he could now clearly recall everything that had happened back when he was attacked by the vampires.
Some parts seemed missing like what had happened in the end and how he survived, but now, everything because clear.
The moment when the girl entered after breaking the tunnel's and train's top was breath taking and without a doubt she as a vampire.
Now that Jay took a look at the girl in front of him, she resembled the vampire whom he had seen earlier other than the fact that she didn't have fangs right now.
There were no wings either, however one thing was common and that was the color of her eyes which were red.
"What are you doing here!?", he asked while retreating backwards.
It was out of reflex because his mind kept on telling that it was too dangerous to be around vampires.
"Um, master Jay..."
"I'm sorry, I couldn't arrive earlier..."
"You had to see the sight of those plebeians attacking you and trying to kill you!", tears flew down her eyes as if they were some waterfall!
"Eh?", Jay was shocked to see her cry.
Jay is strong against many things. His mental strength could be said to be the best in the world and he would never give up things once he had thought about, but when he sees a girl cry, he could do nothing but show his weakness in front of her or try to console her and do everything that is within his powers.
Precisely because of that Lily was successful in pranking him countless times!
"Ah, wait..."
"Don't cry..."
"What did I do? What happened...?"
He approached her almost immediately to console her and prevent her from crying further. The fear was still seated deeply in his heart, but right now he didn't care for that.
"I'm sorry master, I won't be late again!", she said while crying.
Jay unconsciously moved his hand over her head and then patted her gently.
"It's fine, don't cry anymore...", Jay said in a soft tone which was so gentle that it touched her heart and she stopped crying almost immediately.
Though, she did ask question before stopping.
"Really? You forgave me master...?", she asked.
"Yes...", he replied because he was in flow, but he had no idea about the reason for which she had been begging for forgiveness.
Also, he had no idea about why she was calling him master. Well, he didn't ask about that right now because his primary aim was to make her stop crying.
"Thanks master...", she smiled.
The smile was so cute that Jay's heart skipped a beat for a second. But oh well, one couldn't help when this happens.
The girl suddenly stood up and bowed in front of him, the she said, "Then master, please allow me to escort you to the mansion..."
She said it quite humbly and Jay couldn't help but agree to it.
He stood up and was about to nod his head but then all of sudden he recalled about Vinno.
"But Vinno...?", he took a look back only to find some red cloth lying on some object.
"That's...", Jay's heart beat increased for reason unknown when he looked at just the red cloth.
[ Human body identified ]
[ Condition: Dead ]
'That was...', and probably that was the first time Jay heard the female like voice from the Dracula System!
To be continued...
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