
His Mate, His Girlfriend 1113 words 2024-03-13 18:37:39


I was losing my mind. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was in Love's room, and all her clothes were gone. When she wasn't answering my phone, I thought she was avoiding me, so I gave her space. I didn't know she had left my pack. She left me without as much as a note. I collapsed against the floor as reality hit me. The love of my life was gone.

I picked myself up and called the airline. She didn't use one of our planes to leave.

I went downstairs. Lilac was there sitting alone next to Love's piano.

" Why didn't you say she left?" I snarled at her. I could have stopped her, but she didn't even look up to me.

" Did she say where she was going?" I asked urgently. She lifted her gaze at me and glared at me coldly. She ignored me, and I growled, making her whimper in fear. I was her alpha……

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