I was standing outside my kids' school. They were not out of class yet. But they would be there in a few minutes.
" Seumo, has anyone heard from Zeyneb?" I asked Seumo. I needed to distract myself from the nervousness. Zeyneb is my sister married to a nearby alpha. Their marriage was based on an alliance, because we wanted oil on their land, and they wanted protection and money. However, her husband has been under investigation by the council office.
" She had lunch with your Grandmother two weeks ago," he informed me. I glanced at the phone in my hand and tried to call her number, but stopped when the school siren rang.
I inhaled once more. I spotted Cayden and Solara instantly. They were talking to a group of boys and girls.
It was Solara who noticed me first and tapped her brother's arm,……
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