Minako Rize didn't like that boy. Something about him seemed familiar and off about him. She wasn't one to ignore her instincts and she learned today even more to trust him. The fact that he was so perverted that he would make excuses for what he did boggled her mind. Of course she knew that it was most likely an accident, but his defensive reaction to what happened pissed her off and therefore he is a pervert.
She entered her room and threw the towel over the hanging rack. Looking at her bare back she looked at his block serpent tattoo. If she were honest with herself she thought it looked pretty cool, but it was not appropriate in the empire for a woman to taint her skin with ink it was even frowned upon with males of nobility.
"Guess that kills my shot at being part of nobility" she snickered to herself.
The moon was high in the sky now and Rize threw on her sleepwear and climbed under her covers. It was better to get sleep now tomorrow was going to be long if today was any indicator.
Rize got up early that morning so she wouldn't have another terrifying encounter with her master. Waiting until she saw master Cui walking out stretching her muscles as she approached the two of them she met her in the middle.
"Master what are we doing today?"
Cui Xinya yawned one last time before responding "Minako don't be too eager or I will think yesterday's exercise wasn't harsh enough" she looked at Rize "today we will be finding a weapon type that suits you."
A smile blossomed on Rize's face as she heard those words "Really master? I will get to choose my own weapons?" she said perhaps more excited than most young teen her age would be.
"Who said that?" Cui Xinya said as she bent down stretching her lower back.
"I don't get to pick?" Rize asked, confused.
"Who said that either? You get to pick from weapons that are the best compatible with your abilities."
"I suppose you're correct." Rize nodded in understanding.
"Of course I am Minako!" Her master rolled her eyes "learn to accept that more times than not I will be right and you will be wrong. Your life will be much easier then."
Cui Xinya turned to Rize and smiled. "You are still a young child, Minako you still have much to learn about this world. This world I know has not been kind to you… I am not ignorant of your struggles, but know this…struggle forges you into a strong person."
Standing up straight Cui Xinya sighed. "Alright it is time to go to the weapon's market my student lets off." She said before bolting towards the courtyard entrance without warning. Her speed was so explosive that she could get to full run pace in moments.
Rize followed closely behind as they made their way through the winding streets of Xi'an. The city was always pleasant for Rize to run in because it gave her a chance to take in all the sights even after living in Xi’an for so long she had not been in the city that much at all. The roofs of Xian were not uniform at all even in districts that would change from building to building in height and shape…the only thing that remained uniform was general architectural design. As they jumped from rooftop to rooftop Rize became more and more comfortable after several minutes they arrived at the blacksmith district which was famous in all the kingdom for the weapons they produced.
Cui Xinya walked past all the vendors at the beginning without hesitation as she knew precisely where she would take her new student. There was only one man she trusted in the kingdom who sold reasonably priced high quality weapons.
Rize and Cui Xinya landed quickly in front of a small shop located in the farthest corner of the district. It had a sign with faded paint and the whole atmosphere surrounding the little shop was quite depressing. Rize couldn't fathom how her Master who she always felt was quite more interested in higher quality places would take her to such a rundown place.
The shop door creaked open slowly revealing a dimly lit room that had the morning light become broken up by the dust covered windows. The shelves were full of weapons, armor, and various exotic items. Rize was surprised by how nice they all were and felt slightly guilty that she had judged it so swiftly. On the racks were furs that she was quite familiar with they were the same furs her father used to sell to Mr. Itakura when he came to their small village.
"Mr. Itakura!" Miss Xinya called out "It is me Cui Xinya!" Her voice called out to the seemingly empty space.
Rize's eyes widened at hearing the words come out of her master's mouth "Master did you say Mr. Itakura?"
Her heart started to thump loudly it had been years since she last spoke to him and she was quite excited to see his kindly old man face again. Even her own mother she had not seen in almost a year since the last Lunar New Year festival she had not been this excited.
Cui Xinya looked at her student puzzled by her excited expression "Yes, Minako why do you ask?"
"Well look who entered my shop. I didn't think I'd see you again after you left Naebashi all those years ago."
A warm familiar voice filled Rize's ears as she turned around to see who was speaking. Before her stood the familiar old man who she knew as a young girl. Her eyes watered lightly as a flood of memories came into her head again.
"Mr. Itakura you know my disciple?" Cui Xinya said interrupting Rize's fond memories.
"Why yes, I knew this girl as a child, her father and I had a good business relationship for many years. I keep in contact with her mother on occasion to see if she needs anything now and then. She was a good girl back in the North. It has been far too long since I’ve seen her."
Cui Xinya was pleasantly surprised by the development. "That is good to hear Mr. Itakura we are here to get Minako here a weapon that suits her well. You knowing her will be of great help to us."
Mr. Itakura smile widened even more. "Oh really? So you’ve finally made it to the inner court of the academy have you?" He walked behind his counter and pulled out several small wooden chairs "Please both of you have a seat!" He called back as he shuffled out from behind his counter.
They both sat down while Mr. Itakura perused his collection of weapons.
"What style of combat can I expect from my young Rize, Miss Xinya?" he spoke inspecting a long sword.
Cui Xinya spoke before Rize could say a word "speed and agility."
Deadpan Itakura tossed aside the long sword he was looking at moving onto another section of weapons. Scanning the shelving he looked up and down. "I believe I have just the weapons for her. I have been waiting to give this to yourself Miss Xinya next time you came in, but I think it will suit little Rize just fine if you don't mind."
Cui Xinya nodded she had no need for a new weapons she had plenty as of now and had little use for them as of now. "It is fine."
After taking two weapons from a glass encased cabinet Mr. Itakura brought them over handing them to Rize who quickly took them to look more closely. The blades were twins both crafted identically. The hilts were red and black finely carved hardwood the blades themselves resembled miniature katanas both the blade portion of the daggers no longer than a couple inches past her forearms. Along the hilt they both had strange characters on them that Rize was unfamiliar with.
"The first one's name is calamity and the second is shadow. There is something strange about these weapons, but what I do know is they are ancient beyond compare." Mr. Itakura said grimly "They should prove their worth to you for many years to come. Their names have greatness attached to them so do not disrespect your weapons… do you understand Rize?"
Rize looked up from the beautiful daggers. "Thank you very much Mr. Itakura! But I do have one question."
"Please ask me anything!" he smiled
"How is my mother? I have yet to hear from her for at least a year. She hasn't contacted me. I am worried for her."
Mr. Itakura's smile faded, replaced with a frown "I have bad news on that front Rize unfortunately your mother left Xi’an and stopped coming to my shop nearly a year ago to go live with her uncle in the city of Sinsan on the eastern sea of the empire. If she is sending you letters it would take a very long time before they reach you as the city is a long ways away. I thought you would've known, but it appears her last letter never made it to you before she left."
Rize frowned; she had suspected that her mother wouldn't want to stay with her if there was no hope of return from her father living in the city where even her own daughter she didn't have access to was probably too much for her to handle alone. Rize didn’t blame her mother. In her heart there were many moments she wanted to run away from the city and forget all about all of this.
"I know you won't have anyone to visit during your time out of the academy so please do not hesitate to visit you are like family to me little Rize. I will also send any letters you write to your mother as soon as possible. So please don’t hesitate to send me any packages or gifts for her. I plan on going to Sinsan in one months’ time."
"Thank you for putting her concerns to rest Mr. Itakura. How much do we owe you for the weapons?"
"They are in the house thinking of it as p*****t for all the years this little girl kept me company and brought me much joy so do not refuse please."
“Then we will not refuse your generosity. It was an honor Mr. Itakura as always.” Cui Xinya bowed more than customary for a commoner who did not cultivate. Cultivators no matter how strong were many times higher on the social ladder than commoners even respected one’s like Mr. Itakura.
Cui Xinya understood nodding, standing up and starting to walk towards the shop's exit. "Come Minako Rize, it is time we start your weapons training, beyond the basics they gave you in the outer court. It think it is vitally important you understand that in your age group you will have many challenging opponents in the academy."
"Yes, Miss Xinya!" Rize called back before bowing lowly to Mr. Itakura "Thank you for your kindness to my family Mr. Itakura."
“Anytime little Rize! Please come visit this old man again!” he said fondly before they left.
As Rize and Cui Xinya left the shop Itakura stood there watching in the direction they had left. The poor girl could never get a break in this life he thought as he watched the long black pony tailed hair sway back and forth. Shaking his head Itakura turned around and went back into his shop.
The sword gleamed in the sun, its edges were visible sharp, the hilt was that of red phoenix wings, the base of the hilt had a polished round ruby and the steel had a blood red tint to it with a yellow tint along the center. The sword was breathtaking and magnificent, truly worth of nobility. Ezio could not have been happier with his choice of a weapon. Not only had that it paired nicely with his abilities. It was telling that even Master Sada was envious of the blade. The blade's name was Kasai.
"Ezio we need to get you trained up on specific longsword techniques so hurry up." His master said impatiently while Ezio had been distracted by his blade's beauty.
"Be prepared to fight me!" When Ezio looked up he saw his master charging him with his own one handed curved training sword. "Defend yourself."
Ezio readied his blade and his will as he faced down his master. Who slowly drew out his own sword.
“It’s time to learn the hard way my young disciple.”
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