It is my first day at my new job that I have applied and interviewed for. MR Holt, my boss's father interviewed me last week because his son, who is the CEO of Holt Architecture was out of town. MR Holt was impressed with my qualifications, and my skills. I moved to New York two years ago when I finally pursued my dream in Architecture Studies. When I was young, my mom would enter me into beauty pageants, and she wanted me to pursue a career in dance. My step father is a billionaire of a dance company, I got away from it all. I still have bills to pay so I applied for this assistant job, my sideline job wouldn't help me pay off everything.
I am wearing my black formal dress, hugging every curve of my body, the length is just above my knee. Black high heels, and my brunette hair combed straight, which just falls in my back. I applied make up on my face, making my blue eyes stand out. I live in an apartment that my step father bought for me. I didn't want a car, I want to do things on my own, I am twenty-four years old, I am an adult, I do not need anything from my parents. I walk out of my apartment, locking the door behind me. I walk down the stairs, its a beautiful sunny day, I hail a cab and I take in all the buildings and scrapers as I travel to work. My next mission after paying off my college debt is to buy my own car. People walking on the side walks, traffic isn't too much, cars honking their horns.
My cab pulls up outside of Holt Architecture, I get out and I walk through the rotating glass doors. I enter the lobby, I walk straight to the elevator. Once I got inside, I press a button for the thirtieth floor. The elevator ascends, stopping on different floors, people entering in the elevator and leaving the elevator. I feel nervous because it is my first time meeting MR Holt. I inhale and exhale in order to calm my nerves. The elevator reaches the thirtieth floor, I walk out towards the floor to ceiling glass wall, I walk through the open glass door, to the receptionist. The receptionist, a very young looking lady, short black hair, wearing reading glasses, sitting behind a desk, typing away on the computer.
"Hi, I am Stacy, I'm the new assistant for MR Holt" I say to her with a smile.
She looks up at me with a wide smile "Welcome Miss Gibbs. MR Holt is on a conference call right now so I will give you a little tour of everything you need to find" She gets up wearing a black formal pencil skirt and a white blouse tucked into her skirt, black high heels that she walks fast on without stumbling. We walk behind the wall that has Holt Architecture spread across to see. She walks me to an area where my desk is situated right in front of an opaque glass walled office, it looks a bit huge, another glass wall is cutting off my desk area from the other offices around.
"This over here is your desk, your privacy, but MR Holt walks through here, as you can see its his only entrance. So don't let him get to you, he can be a cold-hearted ass. Let me show you the kitchen and the bathroom area" She says as she walks me to the kitchen area.
The kitchen looks very spacious, dark grey walls, light grey tiles, appliances built in. Then she walks me to the bathroom, very modern and clean, neat. She walks me back to my desk, "If you need anything or advice, I'm on number one speed dial on your telephone, and this is my personal number" she gives me a little card that says, Laura graphic designs. I think that I look confused to her when she tells me that she has her own graphic design sideline job. Impressive.
When Laura leaves my desk, I sit down and power up my computer, I put my bag in my desk drawer. My back is facing MR Holts office door. A beep on my telephone goes off, a red light flashing with number one on the tiny screen, I press the button. "Miss Gibbs, MR Holt is ready to see you in his office, you can just knock and enter when he answers, best off luck"
'Thank you Laura" I say. I get up from my seat. I smooth my dress down, I take in a deep breathe, I inhale and exhale. I walk over to his office door, I knock lightly.
"Come in" his voice commands from the other side of the door. I open his office door and I enter, I closed the door behind me, I turn around. The view is amazing, floor to ceiling windows of the the perfect view of the city ahead, one side of the huge office are sofas and a coffee table, I guess to relax. In front of me, sits the most handsome man I have ever seen behind his desk, MR Holt. Magnetic blue eyes piercing me through reading glasses, black hair neatly combed to the side and back. "We do not have all day Miss Gibbs" he says irritated, he gestures with his hand for me to sit down in the chair by his desk.
I sit down on the seat, I look up at him, his brow furrows as he looks at me. "I read through your application, my father thinks that you have what it takes to be my assistant. I need to also see how your working ethic is, so you will be with me most of the time, in board meetings, on sites, and help sketch where needed" he looks through my resume as well, flipping through the pages. "I won't take much of your time, I trust my father's hiring of employees, Miss Ronald will take you through a few things, is there any questions?" he asks burning his gaze into my eyes. I am nervous, I find it hard to speak to this man, my heart is beating fast. " Miss Gibbs? I expect an answer to my questions and for you to cooperate, staring at me won't get the work done or questions answered"
"There is no questions from my side MR Holt" I say nervously.
"Then that will be all Miss Gibbs" he says turning towards his computer and typing away.
I get up from my seat and I walk to the door. I close the door behind me, and I sit down at my desk. What a meeting that was. How am I going to get through my job with a handsome man like that? As the day goes on I make progress, Laura is helping me find my feet. MR Holt never came out of his office for the rest of the day after our meeting. When the working day ended, I headed straight to my other job.
The crowd is large and fully packed at Ravings club, I make my way backstage to my dressing room. I reapply my make up, style my hair to loose curls. My blue eyes standing out just beautifully, brunette hair just in my back. I get dressed for my show, its not what my parents would think of anything appropriate, but I have to pay the bills.
As I dance on stage to Agnes- 24 hours song the slow and reverb version, the heat makes my body sweat. I am wearing a black bodysuit with knee-high black boots. My sideline job is what I have been doing since I was in college. I move my body to the rhythm of the music, the crowd staring at me, as I turn around the dance pole, flipping my hair back. I look straight into magnetic blue eyes that know me, my boss. I don't falter on stage, I simply carry on to finish. His magnetic blue eyes burning into me, his expression was serious as in he is unimpressed with me. I would lie and say I am not attracted to him, he is everything hot but his cold and aloof exterior gives nothing away. Except that I might be in trouble.
I make my dance more sexy, because I know that I will be in trouble but I want to see how much more I can break his cold demeanor. I make a seductive eye contact with him as I bend down forward as I touch my leg, my hand moving down over my knee high boot until it reaches the top of my foot, holding his eye contact with him all the way down and I flip my head and my hair back, and I turn around. I bend forward, my ass facing to his direction and I flip my head and my hair back again, then I touch the pole. I crouch down with the pole between my legs, I move my ass out in the air as I slowly get up. The slick sweat glides down my skin. The crowd was putting cash in a bowl going around, that's my extra money to pay my bills. I watch as my boss looks at the bowl of cash going around, somehow right now I feel very embarrassed.
"Give it up for Bumblebee!!" The host says through a speaker, as the music came to a finish, I bow and left the stage. I couldn't get fast enough off from the stage. Bumblebee is my stage name, and now he has heard it. What was I thinking trying to seduce my own boss up there? And now I may be in more trouble. I walk fast to my changing room, I closed the door behind me, I sit in the chair with my head in my hands. I am in so much trouble.
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