I Revolve Around You 3026 words 2021-01-19 03:43:21

Oriana's POV

It's finally here, another year passed. 3 years ago I would be counting the stars in the sky until I would finally return to Helios Valley. Which actually sounds really stupid. Returning to my fated death doesn't sound like a happy ending. Pfftt.. am I even allowed to have these kind of emotions? Emotions that only humans are known for. For 3 years I've been asking myself the same question and I kept telling myself, 'yeah, i deserve a happy ending just like everyone else on this Earth'. The problem is, Earth is never where i belong. Even so, for as long as I've been living here, Earth has never felt less of a home to me.

My first few months on Earth was everything i had imagined from the lessons that I've been taught, the images that I've been shown and the stories that I've been told. I was excited, like a normal 15 year-old would. It was September, the weather was relatively still high at the time, and i was skipping along the pavement, avoiding the dusty streets but sometime jumping into piles of dried leaves, a beam captured across my face. The sun was illuminating my path while the birds were chirping in the distance and i could hear them talking. Something about securing a spot on the electrical power lines with the best view? I have no idea, but i was attentively listening and that was when I passed by a noisy high school, the humans were talking, laughing and playing. It was one of the things I've never seen a Sol do on the valley and i wanted to join them and i did. And for the first time in my life, I felt complete. I felt relaxed. I felt human.

My first few conversations with these high school humans were passionate ones. Things about they're rainbow braided hair, and they're polished 100$ shoes, they're Gucci bags, and pointing and smiling at a human with super shiny metal teeth. I was a naive wreck. They called me a monkey and i thought it was a compliment. Considering how i was dressed i don't blame them. My feet were completely bare. 'She' didnt provide me with shoes because we never needed them back at the valley. We always float around to get to places. My clothes were all sorts of dirty, but i was and still am a beautiful being. I am a Sol, the light. I am the one who shines the Earth. We, the Solis have bright red hair, the colour of flames, a symbol of the Sun. It's length drapes naturally on our shoulders as if the universe is caressing it into place. Our skin is fair. Pools of honey, makes our eyes and lips as red as blood, a reminder of our fated deaths.

Beauty alone is enough to make someone like you, these humans would say. And i agree, the Earth is a beautiful place and i like it more that my birthplace. This magnificent colour of a sphere is situated 147.17 million kilometres away from Helios Valley or what the humans call it as their Sun. Unlike on Earth where humans know the Sun as the centre of the solar system, for us, the Sun is our home. The source of our power. The gravity that creates our kind. Our queen, Helios, thus the name Helios Valley, wasn't only our leader but also our teacher, our mother. She is responsible to embrace the Solis and prepare us for our quests. We are like her daughters. She nurtures us for 15 years, send us to reside on Earth for 5 years and when the Solis turn 20, they will return to the valley. And every 5 years, a new Sol will also be born from the depths of the valley but with every new life, a death will follow, because when a Sol returns to the valley after her quest, she will die. Just like that, Helios lost her daughters, one by one.

Helios is always a strict leader. She defies the use of any emotions and refuse to show and see any. But I could always tell that she cares about every single one of us and it breaks her to see her daughters die. "Oriana..", Helios muttered under her breath trying not to be heard but i heard her calling, and in her voice, i knew that she needed me to respond. "Yes, Queen Helios". "Will you hold my hand for a while?", she said with a straight face like nothing in the world is crushing her shoulders. "Of course...., Queen Helios? Have you bid farewell to Cyra?", I asked hesitantly, although i already knew that she would never visit a Sol on her dying bed. My question became unanswered but the tight squeeze on my hand answered everything. And i knew right then and there, as i depart safely to Earth, Cyra would've drawn her last breath and Helios' heart shatters and shatters for she has lost 2 of her daughters altogether once again.

1. As you struck fifteen, you will reside on Earth.

2. You will watch, protect, but do not attach.

3. At the strike of dawn you will emerge.

4. At the strike of dusk you will retreat.

5. Till the fifth year marks your return to the valley.

These 5 rules exist to protect us from all possible heart breaks, attachments, unnecessary emotions and betrayals but we are not robots, we are not machines, we may never be human, but we are a magical being with the same roller coaster of emotions. My stay on Earth proves to be an unimaginable miracle and a thunderstorm of catastrophes. I'm not ashame to say, it was all because of love. Love can defy all means as if it owns this world and the butterflies, the roses and lilacs, dance in its presence. Love is the most powerful magic in the universe as it ails every illness and every curse. All of that is true, but being the most powerful thing in the universe also makes it the most dangerous. Love consumes you, like how you thrash and thrash in the overbearing ocean, drowning in its volume. Love destroys you, like that jarring stab of pain you feel in your heart and no matter how much it hurts, you'd beg for more as if it's drugs. And this love of mine defies all of my stands. This love cures all of my pain. This love suffocates me. This love ruins me but I couldn't stop because his love is as dangerous as mine.

The first time we met was my first day of school. I was contemplating for weeks whether or not i should get in school. Watching the humans talking about what they'll eat for lunch at a place name Cafeteria, a place where everyone goes to eat but the food isn't even good, fascinates me. How peculiar the human mind works. Talking about who's dating who is a sensational topic among them and i was always curious what that word means. Many times i found myself laughing along with them when they were looking at pictures on their small square box that lights up. Phones is it? hahaha. Humans are an insanely intriguing creatures and day by day I'm realizing how much i want to fit in with them, to be one of them, to talk and act and do things, how they do it, in ways where I've never seen a Sol do. Even thinking about all of this, i knew where my boundaries lie, i knew fair well what my duties are but all i ever wanted from this was to have some fun. I'm going to die anyway, so best not to lie on my death bed regretting the things i should've done. With that, i decided i would do it and maybe a little glimmer in me also just wanted to prove to Helios that we don't have to hide anything anymore.

The perks of being a divine on a mortal planet is that I have the power to maneuver my acceptance into school without having to go through all the usual process of enrolling into one. Just a little flick of the wrist and I'm set to go. I woke up at dawn that morning as the usual, and the Sun rises with me. The birds were chirping, welcoming the Sun, accompanying me as I walk to school. Sometimes i wonder if Helios sent this birds to spy on me, because they always seemed to be there. I'm not the classic Princess Aurora, I'm not gifted with the gift of song. "Uuppffhh", aaahhh i bumped into someone. "Sorry i was busy looking at the bird...", my index finger pointing to the birds high above my head, but i couldn't finish my sentence. He was looking at me, he's cold eyes studying me, reading me like an open book. In those cold eyes though i could see him searching for something he yearns to find, and i couldn't look away and as if the ground was yanking us back into reality, he suddenly turned around, ignored me and walked ahead.

"Why are you following me? Did someone sent you?", his voice was loud and threatening and i could feel the flicker of flames in the centre of my eyes. He needs to chill, and i need to control myself before i shoot lasers out my eyes. "I'm going to school", I replied and casually walked passed him. He stood there for a few seconds, i could feel his eyes on my back, he then collected himself, i assumed he picked up the pieces by now. We're heading to the same school. "What's your name?", he asked catching up to walk beside me. "Oriana". "Huh, in Latin that means sunrise.". Hmm he's smarter than he looks. "You know it's best if you stay away from me Oriana.", he continued and casually walked away like what he said earlier made complete sense. Well, like I said peculiar creatures these things are.

Still, after 3 years, being peculiar isn't a bad thing because that's one of the things i like about them and as weird as they are to me, I am just as weird to them. "Hey, are you ready for school? It's finally senior year.", and there he stood, his back against the brick wall, his head hanging low, looking at his shoes and as he lifts his head to meet my gaze, he smirked and as if he's pulling me in, i fell into it, everytime. He is the most beautiful human i have ever seen. He walks as if the gravity under his feet were none existent. His figure is strong but his steps are light. When he looks at you, its as if he is speaking to you with his eyes, the shade of grey. His hair is jet black with blue undertones, as if the moon had borrowed him its light and when he smirks, his crooked smile reflects the admiration in his eyes. He was calm and grounded as if the world revolves around him but since the first time we've met, now i am his only world revolving around only him.

"Why are you staring at me like that? What's wrong? Did i do something?", he asked, his voice, urgent. His breath was labored, worry floods his eyes, he's no longer leaning against the wall but facing me straight in the eyes, searching, and then i smiled. "Ugghhh, you can't do that to me, Oriana. I thought you were going to tell me that you're suffering from a deadly disease or something.". "That's a little absurd, don't you think?", I replied, reaching for his hand and pulling him to walk with me to school. "You're right, you never get sick, and you would never leave me.", he exclaimed, smiling with his eyes. At that moment, when that word came, i couldn't look at him anymore. "Sometimes i worry about you, Oriana, you don't talk much, but there always seem to be something in your head. What are you thinking?". "I'm just watching the film of our future unfolds in the sky right before my eyes right now. Other than that, I'm not thinking about anything.", I said, and i wasn't lying. What will happen to us, to me?. "That's so cheesy, Oriana.". "You're going to tell me that you don't do the same? You're not romantic at all, Jeramaine.". "Unlike you, I don't imagine it, I make it happen.", he struck his win and winks. I rolled my eyes, as we were approaching the school. "See you at lunch?", he confirmed and i nodded.

"You should really tone down your lovey dovey moments for a little Oriana. Sometimes it's just too much no?.", Vanessa, leaning against the door frame to our classroom, just as Jeramaine left after dropping me off at my class. "What do you mean?", "Do you seriously not understand what I said or are you playing with me?", she asked, sitting her ass, on the seat in front of my desk. "Are you asking me to stop being cute with him?". "Yes!..No..ughh you know what, you do you Oriana. So annoying.", all of my close friends thinks I'm annoying because they think me being oblivious to what they're talking about is some kind of sarcasm act that i always put on. But with all honesty, sometimes i have no idea what they're talking about and i would pick up every little details of the conversation and ask tons of question about it to Jeramaine. Relationship goals? You bet.

"Everyone is gushing about the relationship of 'sun' and 'moon'. Oh please, you guys won't last, Oriana. If you think he really likes you, well you're dumb.", Savannah the HBIC of the school, what they call it, came striding in, her heels clacking over the floor, as if her presence is a thunderbolt. She glares at me with eyes ready to shoot daggers out of it, for a second i thought I'd have to get my lasers ready but instead i just smiled at her and focusing on my hands on the table. She's right, we won't last, soon I'm going to have to leave. Soon I'll die. Soon she can take my place and take care of him for me. "Don't listen to her Oriana. She's just jealous because you're prettier than her. The sun and the moon, hahaha how did they come up with that nickname, what a load of cheese, but okay cute.", Vanessa cringing over the nickname they gave me and Jeramaine. I am the sun and Jeramaine is the moon. Both two of the most beautiful people in this school. But they have no idea how much i hate that nickname, because the sun and the moon can never be together. "Don't call us that. I don't like it coming from you.", Vanessa her face of profound confusion, tilts her head, looking at me, trying to figure me out and the bell rings. Time for class.

Vanessa and I found our seat at Jeramaine's table as usual at lunch. Doloris and Devorah the infamous goth twins sat in front from us, their dark eyeshadows and thick black eyeliner makes their clear blue eyes more distinguished. Their dark red lipstick and charcoal black hair defines their clear porcelain white skin. Their dark beauty and mysterious aura was astonishing. Sitting to their right was Micah. He's from the school's musical and he played Romeo, the lovesick boy who falls in love with the enemy's daughter and dies because of her. He certainly looks like the type to die for Devorah. From the constant restless beating of his heart whenever Devorah is too close to him, I could instantly tell but Devorah doesn't know that. I heard you Micah. My heart giggled onto the fact. Micah's bestfriend and forever soulmate, Jordan on the other hand played Juliet. Yes it's not the traditional, typical Romeo & Juliet love story here. Unfortunately, as much as we want a happy ending for these two boys, Jordan is head over heels for Vanessa and Vanessa knew that. Who knows why she kept pushing him away. She wouldn't even tell me. "So, what have my sun been up to today?", Jeramaine interrupted me from my haze. Wait, what? "Oh please! Jeramaine, not you too..", I was so angry i burst out, grabbed my things and left.

I could hear his footsteps, running towards me, I could hear his blood rushing and it irritates me, how he cares so much. He catches up to me and pulled my arm, demanding me to stop. "What is it? What's the matter with...", "I hate it! I hate it that people call us that! I hate it even more when my bestfriend calls us that and it kills me that you of all people call us that!", I thrashed my arm away from him spewing everything that I've held in since the first period. "Im sorry, but it's cute.", he jokes. "Do you think I'm kidding right now? The sun and the moon can't be together and you know that. I told you!", as I said those words, i became teary-eyed but before a drop could fall he pulls me in for a hug. "I know I'm sorry, i didn't know it bothers you that much." And just like that i fall silent, melting in his arms. We stood there holding in each other for a while, swaying to the imaginary music playing in our heads when he asked, "Can i ask you something?". "Hmm..?", I replied, my head still against his chest, soaking him in. "Where do you go, when dusk comes?", he asked. I pulled away from him to look into his eyes and smiled, "Come with me, I want to show you something. Do you think you can bring your car here? Right now?". "Are we just going to skip next period? Is that what you're suggesting right now?"

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