Jeramaine's POV
“What did you do? You were the last one to see her last week. What did you say to her!?", I pestered as my patience grew thin, holding onto her shoulders, trying to shake an answer out of her. I was forced to let her go when Savannah came rushing over, pushing me away. “Jeramaine, calm down. Let's talk this out! The teachers are gonna see", she said. “I know you have something to say, Vanessa. Why don't you just spit it out. Stop hiding!.", I urged as Vanessa's glare, pasted on my face. “What is he talking about, Vanessa?", Doloris chimed in, right as everyone was getting curious about the whole chaos we were creating. “Why don't you let us in in your little secret Vanessa.", I continued. I was getting too riled up at the moment. I spent all night trying to figure out what c……
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