Lana's POV
We pulled up in front of my apartment. It was late afternoon. Cynthia must be worried sick about me, but not as worried as I am about seeing Brady again. I hope that Arden will be successful in doing something about it.
"Everything will be okay, I will do my best to transfer Brady." I looked at Arden, he was concerned and yet he was trying to give me hope.
"Thank you. Don't forget to keep your promise." I said.
"Don't worry about anything. I will come around tomorrow after class." he placed his hand on my thigh, giving it a little squeeze.
"I will try to go through my books." I smirked at him.
"You should," he gave me a little smile. He leaned towards me until we were inches apart. I can feel his warm breath on my lips, which are parted. He closes the space between us by pressing his lips against mine, holding it there.
Closing my eyes, I don't want him to leave, but I can't have him stay here. Cynthia will see him. He pulled inches away. "Thank you for helping me." I said.
"I will always be here for you," he replied. I pulled away further and then I opened the door. Once I got out of the car, I closed the door and got my satchel and jacket out of the back.
Walking up the driveway, I took my keys out of my satchel. Arden waited for me until I got inside. Taking in a deep breath, I took my phone out of my satchel, preparing for millions of missed calls and texts. I gasped, there were tons from Cynthia, but even my dad called me millions of times. Sh^t.
I sighed heavily and then I placed my satchel on the sofa and I walked to my bedroom. I plop down on my bed. I dialed my dad's number but it went to voicemail. I sent Cynthia a text to say that I'm at home, and I'm not feeling well.
Cynthia: You worried the sh^t out of me, Lana. I will see you shortly.
I can tell that she is pissed off. My mind goes back to the way that I stormed out of class. Cynthia was still writing her test. My car is still at the university, sh^t. I placed my phone beside me on the bed and I turned onto my side, facing the window. I looked out at the clouds until I was consumed by darkness.
Light kisses are planted on my chest, moving down towards my breast. My lips parted, my back arching as my core throbs with want. Opening my eyes, Arden kisses me along my collarbone and I moved my hands on his muscular arms. He makes his way to my lips and he kisses me passionately, closing my eyes again. I just enjoy this moment, gasping for air. His tongue enters my mouth. Our tongues dance, I dig my finger nails into his skin and he grunts.
His hand moves towards my breast and he fondles it, never breaking our kiss. Loud banging came from the front door. It just wouldn't stop. I am being pulled away from Arden into the light.
Opening my eyes, I squint as the sun now shines into my face as it sets. There is still banging and there is no Arden. I must have been dreaming. I got up from my bed and I walked towards the front door. "Enough banging," I said with annoyance as I opened the door.
"Finally." Cynthia huffed out as she brushed past me inside of my apartment and I closed the door behind her. "How are you feeling?" she asked as I turned around to face her.
"I don't know." I said.
"Well, you scared me. You had just left the class and then Professor Moses disappeared after you. I thought that he was going be back in class but he wasn't. So I didn't know what was happening. I went to check where you could've been, in the bathroom, outside, but then your car was and is still at university. If you were not well, then how could you have walked back here? Why couldn't you just drive and reply to my texts earlier at least," she said with frustration.
"I got a lift home with one of the students from university. I was dizzy and I couldn't drive. I got home and I just napped," I lied.
She scoffed, "A few students saw Professor Moses put you inside of his car and drive away with you." she said.
Sh^t, "Okay, fine. He dropped me here." I said as I walked towards the kitchen. She trailed behind me.
"Well then why didn't he come back to university after that?" she asked.
"I don't know, maybe he had things to do." I shrugged as I took a water bottle out of the fridge and I turned open the cap of it and took a sip of the ice-cold water.
"Okay, but don't pull this sh^t off again. Next time, let me know where you are." she said.
"Will do." I replied as I placed the water bottle on top of the table.
"Everyone in class has been talking about you. They think that you have an attitude and you are a problem student," Cynthia said as she pulled out a chair and sat down.
"I am a problem student, I hate business." I huffed as I pulled out a chair too and sat down across from her.
"I am always here for you, and as a friend," she said sympathetically.
I smiled at her and I nodded. She doesn't know about Brady and I won't be telling her about it. Telling Arden about it was enough and I trust him. "I won't be going to class tomorrow. I need a day off, so tomorrow I will be visiting the doctor." I lied, the reason is that I will be going to the clinic for birth control. That naughty dream that I had about Arden felt so real that I could still feel the wetness in my panties.
"If you need time off, then I will bring over the work that you missed out on," she said.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"So, this new guy in class is gorgeous." she said, and I'm reminded of him today in class.
"Just steer clear of him." I warned her.
"Why? He seemed nice," she said.
"What? Just by looking at him?" I asked.
"No, he was hanging out with me during breaks because I was worried about you. He was nice." she replied.
I took in a deep breath. "I want you to steer clear of him, I don't trust guys like him." I repeated.
"What do you know? You have never dated before." she stated, annoyingly.
" I'm looking out for you and if you think Brady is the one for you, then you are wrong." I said.
"Brady, huh? How do you even know his name?" she glared at me.
"We attended school together. Trust me when I say that he isn't a nice person." I replied.
"I can make that decision for myself. As far as I know, he is nice and you do not get to make those decisions for me. You would be happy for me. You are not my mother and I will hang out with him tomorrow. It isn't my problem if you have a problem with him," she got up from the chair and she walked out of the kitchen.
I stood up and hurried after her, "Cynthia!" I called out.
"What?" she turned around to face me. I walked towards the sofa and I took my car keys out of my satchel.
"Here." I handed it over to her. "Please bring my car back tomorrow." I said and she took it from me without a word and she left.
I let out a breath. I don't trust Brady to be with her. If she has a 'good time' with him, then the whole university will know about it. I hope that Arden will do something about him. I don't want to end up being face to face with Brady. He makes me feel sick.
I walked to my bedroom and my phone lit up, it was just a number that appeared on my screen and I answered it. "Hello," I said.
"Its me, Arden. I wanted to check up on you." he said.
" I'm doing okay, thanks to you." I replied.
"That's good to know. I will be working on things." he said.
"Please hurry about that. Cynthia told me that Brady has been nice to her today and she wouldn't listen to me about the type of person that he is. So I'm worried about her being around him." I said with a huff.
"Don't worry about it. I will keep an eye out on them both until I succeed." he replied.
"Thank you." I said with some sort of relief, knowing that Arden would be keeping an eye out.
"I know that you have failed your test, but I don't want to be forcing anything on you, especially since Brady is around and the incident that happened between both of you and his friends. We can take our time and when you are ready." he said.
"Why do you care so much when our relationship will only be s^xual?" I lay down on my bed, staring up at the white ceiling.
"I guess that you have always meant more to me than just s^x," he said. My heart stopped for that brief moment, my tummy had butterflies and I smiled.
"You mean more to me than s^x too. You make me feel comfortable and safe. No other guy made me feel that way. I do have a friend, Daniel, but he is at home in Seattle. He was a close friend, although I didn't tell him much. You are my safest place, you got me through today and you know just how to do it because only dad always helped me get through it, even though he doesn't know the full story." I said.
" I'm always here and get more rest tomorrow. I will surely miss you in class. Maybe I will pop in tomorrow." he said.
"I would love that." I smiled.
"So would I. See you tomorrow," he said, and then we hung up.
I am excited about seeing him again. I do wish that we were together and cuddling throughout the night, but maybe that would happen after our s^x. First of all, I want Brady gone for good. I just don't think that I can go back to university while he is still here and now my friend likes him. Maybe Arden could teach me here instead. It would work perfectly for me to avoid Brady. I would first have to see what happens moving forward.
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