Mariko's POV
I stepped into Bella's bedroom and she wasn't awake yet. I sighed as I walked over to the side of her bed and I leaned forward to give her a kiss on the top of her head. I wanted my girl to open her eyes. But she wouldn't.
"Please, wake up soon, I will be here," I said softly, as I stroked her hair. I placed one more kiss against her forehead before standing up straight.
The heaviness in my heart was back, a weight that I am carrying which doesn't seem like it wants to leave. I know that it will leave once Bella wakes up. In the meantime, I can check up on Amber and let her mother know that she is awake. I have to contact Bradley too. I know that their relationship isn't on good terms, but at least he is trying.
I left Bella's hospital room and entered Am……
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