While he’d never been particularly fond of drinking, Ichigo wasn’t actually a teetotaller. He just knew, from past experience, that drinking had a tendency to lead him into trouble. But, seeing the state of his life, he felt that it was about time to get into some trouble.
After all, it’s not like avoiding trouble and being a good, pious cleric had done him any favors.
He’d been doing his best not to let the bitterness he felt show, but he was pretty sure by his fourth Mercenades-size tankard of ale, that he was no longer doing so successfully. He frowned into his empty mug, and glared - actually glared! - at Moltar when the tanky redeemer snatched it from him.
Moltar had taken over the Drunk Monk II some years previous, after Sergeant Darien passed and old Jorgen finally retired.
“I thi……
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