I don't want Detective Jones to get pissed off so I decided to leave her, she seemed seriously thinking about my offer. Well, I'm serious too because my twin getting worse at damaging my image to the public. I need to get rid of him before the lunar come, I just can't imagine what he can do if he can be able to merge himself with someone's body.
My clock is ticking, I tried my very best to find a solution to my paranormal problem. Seeking answers to my deceased mom wasn't a good idea, even if I dig her grave, she will never answer all my questions. Why do I have a shadow twin, who's our father?
My mom died when she gave birth to me, I never saw her except in the only picture that my Aunt Guadalupe gave to me. According to her, my mom ran away from their home in Mexico because of their strict parents, and after that, they didn't have any news about my mom's whereabouts. Some said that she crossed the border and went to the US but some rumors that my mom was dealing with a drug syndicate. None of the rumors have been clarified because when Mom returned home she was already pregnant, and never talked about where she came from or what happened to her. Two days after she returned she died while giving birth to me, but not only me, Aunt Guadalupe saw a shadow next to me, and she couldn't explain why I had a shadow sideways.
Growing up with my aunt, we constantly noticed a shadow next to a shadow, especially a full moon. Aunt Guadalupe tries to seek help from old people who are doing rituals and paranormal healing but we never succeed. My Aunt Guadalupe died when I was in high school, she made me promise that I would succeed in life to have a better life without her. She gave me her diary where she wrote her dream of having her cosmetic shop in town. That is why I made my line of cosmetic products to fulfill my aunt's dream.
"Hey, Mr. Sanchez," a man voices calling my name.
I quickly turned and saw Mr. Holmes approaching me.
"Hi, Mr. Holmes, I am so sorry if you bothered you the other night but it wasn't me," I said.
The guy has an apologetic face, "I am sorry also if I send an officer to check, it bothers me, I can't sleep the whole night," said Mr. Holmes.
"Oh, sorry about hearing that, would you like to have some coffee?" I offer him a while giving him a friendly look.
The old man looks suspicious.
"So that you can check my place too if you're not convinced about Detective Jones's report about her visit to my place," still a friendly smile on my face.
Mr. Holmes still looked suspicious so I asked if he wanted to or not, then after a few minutes of staring at me, he stepped close.
"Well, I guess I need to see with my eyes," he sighs and follows me inside my apartment.
He immediately looks around, my apartment is minimalist so he hasn't given much time to look around and see if there is construction going on.
"Mr. Sanchez, I heard that you own the biggest cosmetic industry, am I right?" asked Mr. Holmes, starting a conversation with me.
"Yes, Mr. Holmes, glad that people know that," I smiled. "Have a seat, do you want something to drink? Coffee or—" I stop as Mr. Holmes interrupts me.
"No, I'm good, I'm going anyway," the old man said.
I wanted to talk to him further but he seemed in a hurry wanting to leave my apartment so I let him be. I guided him toward my door, he was about to step away from the door when he turned to me and looked at me intently.
"My Sanchez can I ask you one more thing?" he asked.
I smile at him saying I won't mind asking me as much as he wants.
"Sure, Mr. Holmes, my pleasure," I chuckled.
A vivid silence enveloped us as I waited for him to speak. I saw his face thinking if he would continue interrogating me but after a minute of silence, he stepped and said goodbye.
"Mr. Holmes," I shouted to call his attention. "I know that you're still not convinced but I'm telling you I didn't do anything. I'm deeply sorry if you had a sleepless night and you were so bothered to the extent that you called the police," I said with so much emotion.
My devil twin is ruining my life and it's getting on my nerves. I tried not to bother about it but it getting worse.
Mr. Holmes suddenly stopped and looked at me with a frown face.
"Look, Mr. Holmes, I don't want to scare you but do you think the one who is bothering you is a ghost," I said with a sympathetic look.
Mr. Holmes froze upon hearing what I said, I thought he was buying what I told him but all of a sudden I heard him laugh.
"Ghost? Do you think I'm hallucinating or crazy, Mr. Sanchez?" Mr. Holmes started to raise his voice like I was humiliating him.
"No, I don't mean anything bad about it, I just want to help with your problem," I chuckled.
He looked at me with a grim look, I didn't know how to explain my situation or were they going to think I was crazy like Detective Waltz when I told her my problem with having this paranormal twin, a ghost?
"I'm sorry, but you're talking nonsense," Mr. Holmes said and quickly left.
I was left dumbfounded and took a deep sigh afterward. I want to blame it on my devil twin but how I can talk to him and scold him if the only thing I can do is to prove his existence?
I went inside my apartment, and I felt empty, my apartment is quite big but I'm living alone. Then, Detective Waltz came to my mind, and I grinned.
"She's pretty," I said to myself.
I can't help myself smiling thinking about her, how she pissed off and get mad every time I annoyed her.
"Damn, man, you're in love!" he snarled, then laugh.
If people could see him, they might think he's crazy talking to himself and laughing alone.
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