'Why did I say that? That was really stupid. There's no way she'd agree. I mean, we've only known each other for day.'
" T-That... I-If I'm not imposing."
'Why are you poking your fingers? And why are you blushing?' "Your not imposing, I'm the one inviting you over. "
"You shouldn't readily agree to a stranger, you know."
She shook her head, "If its you, then its fine."
"How so?" I couldn't get why she would think that. 'She couldn't have fallen for me, could she?' I slapped myself mentally. 'Nope, that's impossible.'
"I-If you were a bad guy, you'd have already made your move when you found me."
"Right. But still." I hailed a cab. "What if I wanted to do something after bringing you home?" A cabbie pulled over and we entered.
"You wouldn't dare with your mother around." She answered, puffing up her non-existent chest.
"Pfft." I almost spat out blood. It hasn't been a day yet and she was already poking my mother weakness. It would also be great if she could grow a certain area. Maybe the shop could do something about that. From my first ever weapon, I wouldn't be surprised if there were remedies for being a washboard. My thoughts wandered for a while and we arrived home.
"I'm home."
"Welcome home. Oh, you didn't say anything about bringing home a friend." Before I could say something, she was already holding Gles by the hand and dragging her in. "Hello dear, why don't you come help me prepare lunch."
'I'm going to regret this.' I grumbled inwardly.
Just as I thought, a few minutes later, mother was already telling Gles about my childhood embarrassing moments.
I sent her home after lunch. Well didn't actually send her back to her house personally, I just booked her a cab. Mom wanted her to stay for dinner as well but she turned her down saying she had something to do. I kowtowed to her in my head. Knowing mom, she'd be probably tell Gles more about my past and showing her my childhood photos. Of course it wasn't really me but the previous owner of this body but still.
I returned to my room and brought up a video streaming website. The earlier boss fight thought me that, I suck at close combat. I can't just keep relying on my powerful cards. What if I don't have any MP to use them? I'd be no different from a sitting duck. Sure I have a mighty weapon, but what if my foe had an even stronger one? It was necessary to build a good foundation. My daily excercises weren't enough to cover my lack of technique.
'Wait. Technique?' I paused before I could type in a key. I hastily took my grimoire out and browsed the shop.
I pulled up the passive tab and searched the list for a technique card pack. I quickly found what I was looking for. The shop didn't only have techniques it also had arts, mysticism, craftsmanship, and job related passive. And unexpectedly, it also had a class-change card pack. And all of those come in different elements. It wouldn't be a surprise if someone told me the shop had every art from every single planet, realm, dimension and even the multi-verse.
Before I bought an art, I decided to take up my luck at the class-change card pack. My grimoire had always been complaining about me being jobless ever since I had it. A single job card pack costed a hundred times more than a normal card pack of the same rank. So for now I could only buy a copper rank job.
"Jesus, Buddha, Bramah, Zeus, Odin, whoever you are. If your listening, I know I wasn't religious back on Earth but please, please give me a good one."
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