The News of Sir Derek departure spreads like wild fire, Derek Orlois took Commander Thompson as the head commander and the Regent of Tephon City while He is away, Commander could still remember the last words of Derek.
" I have taught you all what you need to know about this City Thompson, I have trained you to be strong and skillful when it comes to facing off challengers, The city is sealed so no one can attack the city while am gone "
" Judge the people with love and power, Never judge unjustly...and above all never spare anyone that I'd guilty of any offence, Be ruthless and a good leader Thompson, Treat the commanders with love.. Good bye " Derek said with smiles, He mounted on his white horse, Nicklaus and Derek rode their horses out of the Gates been it closed.
" I will make sure that I am good leader Master " Commander Thompson muttered with a deep sigh, He commander the warriors to return back to their guarding spot or their training spot while he meet and have a meeting with the commanders.
Scorpion Clan
The Hectic and Ruthless Training has begun, Thirty chosen warriors from both of the noble and of the paupers in the clan, On the f*******n mountains is the training held, No dulling around, Prince Kyle wants to make sure he has the best invincible army and if training all his chosen warriors by himself will help.
He will surely train them, Even though it will last up to a year or more, The seal created by Lord Brandon closed up immediately whereby stopping anybody from leaving the mountain or entering the mountains except Kyle or Himself.
" Son are you sure you are fit for this? " Lord Brandon asked sternly relaxing on the Balcony of his mansion with his son besides him, He could see the chosen warriors practicing with their swords.. Their skills are so terrible.
" Yes father, I am very sure... There is a secret realm in the mountains which was created by me, I have preserved and kept all the foods necessary to feed us for five years, Besides there is nothing I will be doing here if I am not training my warriors " Prince Kyle answered.
" Very well then son, It's your decision and not mine.. You are the one to decide what you are going to do, I will just try to convince you and that's all, but if this is your final decision, Then I am in full support of everything " Lord Brandon said.. He is speaking to Kyle as a father and not a king.
" Thanks father, That's why you will always be my role model, My Chosen warriors are waiting for me, I need to hurry " Prince Kyle said and Lord Brandon gave him a go ahead, Prince Kyle dived down from the balcony without fear... Why will a powerful warrior like him fear heights.
Immediately Prince Kyle arrived on the mountains, He signalled his father who was watching his every movement to create a barrier that will make everyone think the mountains is no more, Lord Brandon eyes glowed and with one snap... Mountains varnished right before the villagers eyes, but in his eyes... He saw Kyle.
" Adios son "
Warlord Lionel Abode
" Father, Father " Pearl called out running to meet her father who is relaxing under the hot sun, The Beautiful young blonde hair girl with blue eyes which drives men crazy but the fear of Warlord Lionel is the beginning of wisdom.
" What is it my beautiful daughter? " Warlord Lionel asked with smiles, He dropped what he is reading to face his daughter who is panting, trying to catch her breath after running long distance to meet her father.
" Nothing dad, but I want to meet the girls in the villages, You know we are having a Festival in the next full moon and we need to prepare ourselves ready for the competition, We are having rehearsal father " Pearl spoke out after two minutes of catching her breath.
" And so? "
" Mum said I should ask for your permission to go down to the village, Should I go? " Pearl asked, Warlord Lionel turned to read his magazine without given his daughter any response, Pearl stood In confusion.
" No, You are not going to the village after what happened the last time you went there, I killed rapists who tried to r**e you, You made me punish the whole fifteen villages in other to find where the r****t kidnapped you " Warlord Lionel answered and Pearl frowned.
" But father... "
" There is no but there pearl, I don't want to waste My precious time to start looking for you, You know how ferocious I am when you are hurt, I would s*******r all fifteen villages if you are injured so no.. I ain't risking that " Warlord Lionel said with authority.
" father, this time I will be very careful not to mess with those boys in the villages, You are forgetting that I am a trained fighter, You taught me how to defend myself "
" Yes I remember clearly but I didn't train you to be a killer, I was so foolish to have taught you will be matured and powerful when you are a grown up, I can't risk it pearl " Warlord Lionel said with authority and Pearl scoffed.
" Very well then, I will go without your orders father, besides mother has given me the permission " Pearl said running out of the warlord's presence before he could say anything, Warlord Lionel ordered the guards to stop her but Pearl knocked them out.
Not because they couldn't defend themselves, but she is the Warlord's daughter, A single scratch on her body could end their lives within minutes, They know how brutal the Warlord is when it comes to his daughter.
Pearl opened the gigantic gates to see her two beautiful maids waiting for her on her personal horse, Eprah and Ziprah the favourite maids and Friends of the warlord daughter mounted the horse together with Pearl and without delay.. They all rode the horse to the village with Pearl having the upper control of the horse.
It took them ten minutes before they arrived at the central village in the Selevrian Empire, The Warlord Mansion is on the mountain guarded by heavy armed and skillful trained guards, What Warlord Lionel Didn't know is that his daughter is a killer... Killing small birds, Rodents, Bisecting the rodents and birds... Drawing with the creatures bloods on paper... She is one vicious fellow.
" Here we are, The central village of the Severian Empire, The Richest village in the Empire " Pearl muttered with smiles, Eprah and Ziprah got down from the horse and likewise Pearl, All eyes were on them especially the men.
" My lady, isn't this awkward that all eyes are on you? " Ziprah asked in whispers, Pearl only smiled because she is already used to it, All eyes staring at her is one inevitable thing in her life, Her beauty is the cause of this problem.
" No Ziprah, All this bothers me not, We came here to meet the girls and that's what we are... " Pearl was about completing her statement before she was rudely interrupted.
" Well well well, Isn't this the Warlord's daughter? " A annoying feminine voice spoke out from behind, Pearl turned back to see five girls standing before her with a smug, Debra the last daughter of Lord Akashi could be seen standing before her.
" What do you want debra? " Pearl asked sternly.
" You know I am wondering why all this fools called men finds you attractive, Many girls are saying that you are a witch, charming them all with your witchcraft beauty " Debra said with anger.
" Stop the pretence debra, You are a jealous freak who is jealous of my amazing beauty which they all admire, Not your ugly and pathetic face " Pearl said sarcastically and that got Debra really angry.
" You know I could beat you right now and your silly daddy won't do anything, You know why? Because I am a girl and he won't try attacking me, while knowing I am the daughter of the councils head " Debra said with pride.
" You are nothing compared to my strength and power Debra, I guess you don't really know who Warlord Lionel is, My father butchered the maids who were sent to kill. Me when I was just two years old, He removed their fore skin and handed the maids body back to their senders, Within seven days.. The Kingdom was destroyed and everyone in it..."
" You don't know what my dad is capable of doing b***h " Pearl added with pride.
" You called me b***h, You will pay for that " Debra roared, She sighted some guards on patrol in the village, She ran to them and took one of their sword to attack Pearl, She means business and she wants to slice the neck of Pearl.
" You will pay dearly for this b***h, Bitches needs to die " Debra roared which drawed the attention of every villagers nearby, including the guards, Pearl bounced back escaping the sword attack which nearly chopped her head off.
Pearl ducked another strike, this time she grabbed the sword with her might, Pearl kicked Debra in her knees sending her crashing immediately she let go of the sword, Before Debra to think of attacking her again... Pearl kicked Debra hard in her chin.
" I have been gently handling your matters debra, you thought you could intimidate me because you are the daughter of Lord Akashi, You are such a fool if you think he would care when I kill you " Pearl said and she trampled on the hand which held the sword and Debra screamed out in pains but nobody wants to help her... Because she is a bully.
" Don't be deceived by my charming face which makes me look innocent, I am not innocent but destructive... Don't underestimate me " Pearl said and she picked up the sword on the floor, She lifted the sword ready to strike.
" I called you a b***h and bitches must die " Pearl said with her face filled with devious smiles, With one single strike, Debra head rolled on the floor and the villagers nearby gasped in shock, Pearl dropped the b****y sword with her face covered with blood.
" A b***h is dead "
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