"And here, Miss Madalyn, is the master suite. I think I can speak for everyone here and tell you that this is where you will be staying, if you so wish." Giles smiles at me with his eyes sparkling.
For and older man, Giles is easy on the eyes. You can tell that he was probably very handsome in his day. His stark white hair is kept nicely, paired with a clean shaven face, always. Bright green eyes hide many secrets within them. With his thinning lips, he smiles at me and nods as he walks out of this massive bedroom, leaving me by myself.
I take my things and sit them on a chest that rests at the foot of the massive four-post king sized bed. Everything in this room is excessive and extravagant.
The Hunter's tastes, of course.
The stale smell and dust covering everything shows how long it's been since this place was used. My head can't help but go to places of disgust, knowing how many people are living in shambles or on the streets while The Hunter goes around with multiple homes of this capacity and luxury. All of this is made possible from blood money. Money made off of the sweat, blood and tears of so many.
I look forward to ripping ALL of this away from him and giving it to those who deserve it.
A chuckle slips in the back of my throat. As it creeps out, I barely recognize the sound of my own laughter. The thought crosses my mind of a story mom used to read to Sebastian and me when we were little, Robin Hood.
Thinking of the deeds he did and the nature of them, brings a warmth to my heart and a lump in my throat. Are we like the modern day Robin Hood's? It's actually not a bad thought. But we don't care if you're rich. If you earned it and worked hard for it, then that's yours and rightfully so. But if you are sitting on riches because you destroyed lives and killed so many innocent people, the blood on your hands will be the last of your worries. You will have us to deal with now.
Knock, Knock
There's a light knock on the door.
"Hey, Maddy? You in here?" I recognize Wyatt's voice on the other side of the door.
"Yeah, I'm in here. Come in." I reply.
"There you are... Holy s**t! This place is over the top, to say the least." Wyatt gasps.
"You can say that again... I feel really weird staying in here, ya know?"
"I know what you mean, but honestly you shouldn't. There is no doubt that everyone looks to you as our leader here. This room is definitely yours by right." He tries to reassure me.
"I'd feel a lot better if we could get multiple beds in these larger rooms. Get them adjusted to be lived in my multiple soldiers. It just doesn't feel right to have all this to myself. What do you think?"
Wyatt's eyes explore my face, the corner of his mouth tilts upwards in a heart stopping grin.
Damn, he is so sexy when he looks at me like that.
"I think that can be managed Boss." Wyatt teases as he slowly walks towards me.
"Don't call me that. We are all equals here, Wyatt." I shrug, with my eyes looking to the floor.
Wyatt steps to me, leaning into me with his body. His hand cups my chin and lifts it so I am looking into his eyes. Brushing a single strand of hair from my face with is other hand, and tucks it behind my ear. His hands are now at both sides of my face while he brushes his thumbs across my bottom lip. My breath quickens. Warmth begins to flow through my entire body as my pulse pounds every nerve ending I have.
If I've learned anything the passed few days, never taking a single moment for granted is definitely at the top of the list. The thought of this fills my mind and I decide to take action.
My arms wrap around Wyatt, drawing him into me even harder and closer. Our mouths collide with one another. His body reacts instantly, and within seconds his embrace is tightly pulling me into him. Falling onto the bed, Wyatt is on top of me. Yet his mouth never leaves mine. His hand never leaves the back of my head, cradling me passionately yet still gentle. I can feel our desire heavy in the air. Our breathing coming out in ragged breaths between kisses.
Wyatt's hands begin to explore my body, even though he has already ventured here, it is as though it is the first time he has been here. Taking in every inch of my body and every savory second with it. He has such a way of making me feel like I am exactly where he wants to be, always. Here in this moment, with him, there isn't anywhere else I'd rather be either. And for the first time, I don't feel any fear, any hesitation, anything that would or could stop me or stand in our way. I've never felt so complete in any one given moment than I do right now.
Making love to Wyatt, giving him every part of me. Allowing him to see me, all of me, for all that I am and who I am. And the best part is... he loves it. And he WANTS it. He wants me... ALL of me. Everything that is me and makes me, ME...
"I love you Wyatt..." I admit. My words coming out raspy and breathy.
Wyatt's face lifts from mine, his eyes gazing at me while he searches my face. He softly caresses my face with one of his hands as he smiles at me.
"I love you too Madalyn Cooper." Wyatt whispers softly to me.
His mouth comes down on mine and as I close my eyes, I allow myself to take in every single second of this time with him. I allow myself to be completely in this moment, without anything else on my mind. The weightlessness of doing this is invigorating. No other feeling compares to this. My heart feels like it's going to explode with the joy I have right now. Tears begin to well up behind my eyes, but not out of pain or of sadness. Tears of pure joy and love.
I am in love! And he loves me back! Nothing can take this away...
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