

Amelie Marie T. es una romántica empedernida adicta al chocolate y adicta a escribir sobre personajes un poco rotos, un poco locos y muy imperfectos que aman de manera apasionada. Le encanta un romance que cause llanto y risas y que además despierte mil emociones en su interior. Espera que algún día sus historias causen un revuelo de sentimientos y que sus personajes se queden con sus lectores incluso después de acabar sus libros.  Si quieres ponerte en contacto con ella, envíale un correo a AmelieMarieT3@gmail.com, también puedes encontrarla en Facebook, Instagram y Tik Tok como Amelie Marie T.


Amelie Marie T. es una romántica empedernida adicta al chocolate y adicta a escribir sobre personajes un poco rotos, un poco locos y muy imperfectos que aman de manera apasionada. Le encanta un romance que cause llanto y risas y que además despierte mil emociones en su interior. Espera que algún día sus historias causen un revuelo de sentimientos y que sus personajes se queden con sus lectores incluso después de acabar sus libros.  Si quieres ponerte en contacto con ella, envíale un correo a AmelieMarieT3@gmail.com, también puedes encontrarla en Facebook, Instagram y Tik Tok como Amelie Marie T.
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STORY BY Amelie Marie T.

The Rockstar's Redemption

The Rockstar's Redemption


Willa. My life mantra is to help without looking at who. Giving a little kindness to someone can make a difference, but I never thought that helping the dying man who was beaten nearly to death would change my life in such an irrevocable way. And he's not just any man, he's Reid Colleman, the most famous rock singer of the moment. When against my better judgment, I slowly begin to fall for the mystery and pain behind his brown eyes, I know our path won't be easy. Secrets, fame, lies and unexpected betrayals. I knew Reid's world would be dark, yet I never imagined his demons could become mine. Reid. There are three indisputable things in my life. First: a monster like me has no redemption. The second: every single thing I touch ends up turning to ruins. And the third: I don't deserve Willa O'Neill, no fucking way. Each of those reasons seem to vanish when I hold her close. I've learned there's a fine line between what you love and what causes pain, I always cross that line in a way no one else could. I know that if I make her my present, my past will come to ruin her. I know that if I make her my future, my demons will become hers and change her forever. I know that I am Reid Colleman and my darkness will find a way to extinguish all her light. The most fucked up thing about this whole horror story? Even knowing all that... I'm not able to walk away.

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My EX's Mafia Twin

My EX's Mafia Twin


Katarina. There's a fine line between hate and love, or so they say. I refuse to cross it with Killian Colleman. When my world collapses and I discover that my real father is a Russian mob boss willing to sell me out to the highest bidder, I realize I've hit my lowest point. Then I see Killian there, being the right hand of the man who is willing to use me to his advantage. Killian Colleman is my best friend's twin brother, the man who has always been able to easily get under my skin, that little thorn in my side that I've never managed to pull out, but I never thought he would become my tormentor... or will he end up being my savior? Killian. The curse of my life is her, only her. The woman who was never mine and never will be. An ice princess who manages to see through me like no one ever has, not even myself. When the lines blur and we are both sent into extreme situations, only one question remains to be answered. Will we be each other's undoing or salvation?

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Tears of love

Tears of love


Aurora Carson has loved Jeremy Sutler since she was a little girl. Years later, even though he hasn't looked at her in any other way than as his best friend's little sister, she still loves him. Jeremy is the perfect guy for everyone, but he only has eyes for her: his girlfriend Sabrina. When Sabrina leaves him for someone else, his perfect life falls apart. And suddenly he begins to see her, his escape, Aurora, his best friend's little sister. And he hadn't noticed that little Carson is no longer the tender little girl with pigtails who chased him wherever he went, now she's a beautiful woman with sweet lips that call out to him. "We won't mix feelings," he warned her. What Jeremy didn't know is that Aurora already had feelings for him a long time ago and when he finds out the damage will already be done. How much pain would you be willing to endure for the one you love?

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Collateral Damage |+18|

Collateral Damage |+18|


Matheo Slade accepts nothing less than perfection. If the blows of life have taught him anything in his thirty-seven years, it's that making mistakes and the slightest flaw bring consequences he's not willing to face again. Clinging to his unimpeachable morals and iron control, he runs one of the most successful technology companies in New York. His love life is something he has put on hold for years, but he is certain that when he does have a woman by his side, it will be someone who meets his firm standards of who would be his perfect partner. Defne Sinclair, with her messy hair, colorful post-it notes and short twenty-three years, definitely doesn't meet any of his parameters, so why the hell can't he stop thinking about her? Defne doesn't want to be there. Hell, she definitely didn't sign up to be a spy and infiltrate Matheo Slade's company, let alone be a pawn in her absent and very fucked up father's game. Sure as hell didn't expect to fall in love with the man her father has been in a trade war with for years, a man she lies to on a daily basis in exchange for her mother's safety, either. But there she is, helplessly, in the middle of a war that is not hers. A war that, although she wants to, she cannot get out of. When Matheo discovers who Defne really is, will he understand that not everything is black and white, that there are colors in between? Or will he lose her because of the perfection to which he clings so much? If there is one thing Defne is sure of, it is that she will not get out of there intact and, worst of all, she fears that in the end she will only be... collateral damage.

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The tough boy in my class

The tough boy in my class


Thea has her life planned out, there is nothing that can make her take another path. She has the perfect boyfriend, the perfect family and near perfect grades if it weren't for the horrible math. So, a tattooed kid who has the word "trouble" branded on his forehead can't turn her world upside down, right? Holy Macarena, the lab mouse has found trouble!

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Siempre tú |+18|

Siempre tú |+18|


Jared Preston no soporta a Lizzy Jhonson. Lizzy Jhonson no soporta a Jared Peston. ¿El problema? Él es el hermano mayor de su mejor amiga y prácticamente se han visto forzados a crecer juntos. ¿Peor aún? Cuanto más ellos quieren permanecer separados, el destino más lucha en unirlos. Esta vez el universo intervino al obligarlos a compartir la misma clase, en donde su enemistad dará paso a algo mucho más caliente y consumidor. Jared siempre ha sido fuerte, pero pronto encontrará su debilidad en ella. Y Lizzy descubrirá que el amor toca todas las puertas, incluso la suya. ¿Darán rienda suelta a su amor, uno que siempre ha estado allí, esperando por todas sus primeras veces? Dicen que el amor sin un poco de locura, no es amor. ¿Y ellos? Ellos están completa e irrevocablemente locos.

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Illegally Yours |+18|

Illegally Yours |+18|


Aaron Cooper is not complaining about his life. He has a family that he can lean on when he needs it most, a solid company that he has kept at the top, and so much money to spend on whatever he wants. So why does he feel like something is missing? Bess Lee has nothing, not even a bed to sleep in every night. The last few months have been difficult, trying to survive every day, hour and minute. But no matter how far down he goes, he doesn't plan to set foot in a foster home again... Ever again. Bess is not a criminal, she is not a thief, but she hasn't eaten a bite in days and she's hungry. So if she steals a little money from that man in a suit and tie who seems to have money to spare, she won't do anyone any harm, right? Unless he finds out... and that's just what happens. Aaron is shocked when he finds that little pixie trying to steal the lowest value bill in her wallet. With her innocent face, she definitely doesn't look like a delinquent, but he knows that her appearances are deceiving. So when he is ready to call the police to take care of that girl with the devilishly beautiful eyes, Aaron is surprised when Bess confesses that she is underage. And well, he knows she shouldn't listen to her pleas when she asks him not to force her back into foster care, just what would happen if he called the police. Aaron also knows that he shouldn't offer to stay with him in her apartment while he decides what to do with her, and he knows damn well that wanting to own something so visibly fragile and innocent is a huge mistake. So why does he do it?

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El chico rudo de mi clase

El chico rudo de mi clase


Thea tiene su vida planeada, no hay nada que pueda hacerla llevar otro camino. Ella tiene el novio perfecto, la familia perfecta y calificaciones casi perfectas si no fuera por las horribles matemáticas. Así que, un chico tatuado que tiene la palabra "problemas" marcada en su frente no puede poner su mundo de cabeza, ¿cierto? ¡Santa Macarena, el ratón de laboratorio ha encontrado problemas! |Libro disponible también en físico en casi todas las plataformas de venta|

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Jugando con el amor

Jugando con el amor


Anna Sophie Harrison siempre ha sido una chica independiente. Para ella los cuentos de hadas son sólo eso, cuentos que no llegan a ser realidad. No cree en el amor, no cree en la felicidad y tampoco cree en los hombres. Dereck McDaniels es todo lo que Sophie no es. Está acostumbrado a tenerlo todo con facilidad, no se esfuerza cuando quiere algo y dinero es de lo último que se preocupa. Él siempre va a encontrar el lado divertido de las cosas y toma la vida como un juego en el que su único objetivo, es divertirse. No busca una relación, no busca una novia. Sólo chicas hermosas que le ayuden a tener una divertida y candente noche. ¿Qué tienen en común dos personas totalmente opuestas? Un nombre: Jared Preston. Cuando su novia Lizzy Jhonson se va de la ciudad, deja a un furioso y descontrolado Jared destruyendo todo a su paso. ¿Qué hacen dos desconocidos que se repelen cuando tienen que convivir juntos para ayudar a un amigo? Dereck lo ve como la oportunidad perfecta para llevar a la hermosa pelirroja a su cama. Sophie solo lo ve como una pesadilla en donde tiene que soportar a un mimado niño rico. Un mujeriego, una pelirroja y una apuesta. ¿Dejarán que el amor gane la batalla?

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Legalmente Mía

Legalmente Mía


Evan. Tenía sólo dos reglas en mi vida. Dos malditas reglas, ¿qué tan difícil podía ser cumplirlas? La primera de mi pequeña lista: mantenerme alejado de las mujeres de mis mejores amigos. (¡Mierda, sí! Cumplido). La segunda, pero no menos importante: no involucrarme con madres solteras que pueden acarrearme un mocoso que no es mío. (Doblemente ¡mierda, sí! Completamente cumplido) Lo que menos esperaba es que, años después de que esas reglas fueran permanentemente marcadas en mi conciencia, aparecería la misma mujer que me hizo crearlas, pero esta vez, la misma creadora era también la destructora. ¿Recuerdas la parte en donde digo que las reglas fueron hechas para romperlas? Espera, no lo he dicho. Pues lo diré ahora. ¡LAS REGLAS FUERON HECHAS PARA SER ROTAS, SEÑORAS Y SEÑORES! Y si al final me iré al infierno, ¿por qué no disfrutar del viaje? Al fin y al cabo, ya no hay marcha atrás. Violet. Él es inmaduro, mujeriego e irresponsable. ¿Alguna vez en su vida se toma una sola cosa en serio? Probablemente no. Corrijo, definitivamente NO. Evan es la razón por la que mantuve mi corazón amurallado, hasta que llegó David y rompió con cada muro que había sido firmemente puesto. David Carter era esa clase de chico que sabes que es el correcto. Y lo fue. Por tres hermosos años David fue mi correcto. Mis felices para siempre... hasta que ya no lo fue. Entonces mi vida cambió para siempre. Tener a Evan de vuelta en mi vida era algo que no me esperaba. Una vez le permití herirme, entonces me prometí que no volvería a poner ese poder en sus manos. Pero entre más tiempo paso junto a él, jugando a la familia feliz con mi hijo, esa promesa se va desvaneciendo cada vez más y más... hasta que se vuelve completamente borrosa. Tal vez casarnos fue la peor decisión que pudimos haber tomado. Tal vez nos terminaremos matando en el camino. O tal vez, sólo tal vez... lo incorrecto pueda convertirse en correcto. ... Libro #2 de trilogía Traje & Corbata. |Historias independientes|

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