Welcome to my fictional world of emotional rollercoaster. My books are tiny pieces of my fantasy. |21• Writer• Engineer• Lover|


Welcome to my fictional world of emotional rollercoaster. My books are tiny pieces of my fantasy. |21• Writer• Engineer• Lover|
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1927: Redemption

1927: Redemption


Do secrets come out easily? After the mysterious and sudden death of James Martinez, a young girl is thrown into the sea of promises and dark secrets, an unknown time where the danger trailed behind her. The time called ‘Roaring Twenties’, a decade of contrasts, when the empires were ruled by human’s conspiracy, betrayal, and hate. With a task at hand, Adeline Martinez, a traveler, looking for a way back to her world, will she survive her twisted fate when there is a handsome beast involved and not to forget the danger that followed behind. What will cross her path in the meantime? Hardship? Secrets? Crime? Betrayal? And perhaps…love? All secrets become deep, all secrets become dark, let’s join the journey of Adeline’s secrets

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Dragon Prophecy

Dragon Prophecy


“I Am Fire, I Am Death.” Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. For years people believed that dragons don't exist anymore. For years people lived peacefully.  Little did they know that it was the calm before the storm as their belief was a lie. One fateful encounter changed the Sorcerer's Princess life completely. It took away all that she had ever known as she was torn between her family, her people who believed she was going to save them and the love of her life, her mate.  What happens when destiny plays it cruel game and gives her a chance to choose between her loved ones and mate?  Who will she choose?  Join the journey of Princess Katerina Rosette Petrova in revealing the mysteries, the desires and her true identity. -------------------------------------------- I am not a damsel in distress, I don't need saving, I am the Princess, I got this under control!

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