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STORY BY Owen Jones

Lek - El Comienzo

Lek - El Comienzo


Lek - El comienzo A los veintiún años de edad, Lek, una campesina ordinaria y contemporánea del cinturón de arroz del norte de Tailandia, tuvo que ir a Pattaya a trabajar en la industria del ocio para ayudar a su madre viuda a pagar la hipoteca para salvar la granja de la ejecución hipotecaria y mantener a sus hermanos en la escuela. Este libro, El Principio, muestra cómo era su vida antes de tener que dejar su pequeño, trabajador, pero feliz pueblo y las únicas personas que había conocido. Describe los eventos que la hicieron feliz y los que la entristecieron en sus primeros años de vida, desde vivir con su abuela hasta sobrevivir con su esposo, Tom. En el último momento, algunos amigos dan un paso al frente para hacer que la transición de Lek a la vida en la ciudad sexual número uno de Tailandia sea un poco más fácil. La serie Detrás de la sonrisa es la historia de Lek, una chica de bar en Pattaya, Tailandia. Lek nació como el hijo mayor de cuatro hijos en una familia típica de agricultores de arroz en el cinturón de arroz del norte de Tailandia. Un día ocurrió una catástrofe inesperada: su padre murió joven con enormes deudas de las que la familia no sabía nada. Lek tenía solo veinte años y era la única que podía evitar la ejecución hipotecaria de la granja familiar y permitir que su hermana menor y sus dos hermanos continuaran con su educación. Sin embargo, la única forma que conocía era ir a trabajar al bar de su prima en Pattaya. ¿Puede una chica de un bar de Pattaya volver a ser una novia o esposa normal? Detrás de su Sonrisa es una mirada a una parte de Tailandia, un país conocido en todo el mundo como ”La tierra de las sonrisas”. Lek - El comienzo A los veintiún años de edad, Lek, una chica campesina ordinaria y contemporánea del cinturón de arroz del norte de Tailandia, tuvo que ir a Pattaya a trabajar en la industria del ocio para ayudar a su madre viuda a pagar la hipoteca para ahorrar. la granja de una ejecución hipotecaria y mantener a sus hermanos en la escuela. Este libro, El Principio, muestra cómo era su vida antes de tener que dejar su pequeño, trabajador, pero feliz pueblo y las únicas personas que había conocido. Describe los eventos que la hicieron feliz y los que la entristecieron en sus primeros años de vida, desde vivir con su abuela hasta sobrevivir con su esposo, Tom. En el último momento, algunos amigos dan un paso al frente para hacer que la transición de Lek a la vida en la ciudad sexual número uno de Tailandia sea un poco más fácil.

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Школьная Поездка Меган

Школьная Поездка Меган


Школьная поездка Меган (том 3 из 27): Школа организует экскурсию, и ученики могут голосованием выбрать место, куда они хотят поехать. Меган смущена своим первым голосованием, но отправляется туда, куда она хочет. Ей нравится это путешествие, и она исследует все вокруг вместе со своим другом, тигромпризраком, Гррр. Меган словно переносится в далекие времена, но ей не страшно, потому что рядом с ней ее друг. Потом она обсуждает эта поездку со своим духом-наставником Вачинхиншей. В серию книг «Экстрасенс Меган» входит двадцать три новеллы о том как девочка постепенно начинает понимать, что у нее есть такие способности, каких нет ни у кого больше в ее семье. В первом томе Меган двенадцать лет. У нее есть две, казалось бы, непреодолимые проблемы. Мама напугана скрытыми способностями дочери и не только не помогает ей, но и активно ее уговаривает не пользоваться ими; и Меган не может найти наставника, который помог бы ей развить ее сверхъестественные экстрасенсорные способности. Ей хочется знать не только, что можно делать и как это делать, но и с какой целью она должна использовать свои особые способности. Меган — хорошая девочка, поэтому кажется вполне очевидным, что она хочет применять свои силы во благо, однако не всегда легко поступать правильно, даже если знаешь это. Эти рассказы о Меган понравятся всем, кто интересуется экстрасенсорными способностями, сверхъестественным и паранормальным, в возрасте от десяти до ста лет. Школьная поездка Меган (том 3 из 27): Школа организует экскурсию, и ученики могут голосованием выбрать место, куда они хотят поехать. Меган смущена своим первым голосованием, но отправляется туда, куда она хочет. Ей нравится это путешествие, и она исследует все вокруг вместе со своим другом, тигромпризраком, Гррр. Меган словно переносится в далекие времена, но ей не страшно, потому что рядом с ней ее друг. Потом она обсуждает эта поездку со своим духом-наставником Вачинхиншей.

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Centro Muerto 2

Centro Muerto 2


Unos terroristas atacan simultáneamente las embajadas británica y estadounidense en Bangkok causando terribles daños, pero ¿quién es el responsable y cómo se evitará que lo vuelvan a hacer?

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The Dream

The Dream


The Dream takes up the story of Lek, her family and friends from two years further down the line. In the past, it has always been Lek who issued the ultimata, but this story opens with her having received one and it throws her. She is offered the fulfilment of her oldest dream, but can she take it? The fulfilment of any dream requires sacrifices, but is Lek prepared to make them now that her goal is within her grasp? It is a tough one, which means a hard time for her, although her family and friends are behind her as always. Which way will she go? The instinct to follow her dream and the inertia of a comfortable life in the village, as she gets older vie for supremacy in her mind. As is usual in this series, nothing is hidden from the reader, we are privy to all of Lek's agonizing thoughts. The Behind The Smile Series is the story of Lek, a bar girl in Pattaya, Thailand. Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family in the northern rice belt of Thailand. A catastrophe occurred out of the blue one day – her father died young with huge debts that the family knew nothing about. Lek was just twenty years of age, and the only one who could prevent the foreclosure of the family farm, and allow her younger sister and two brothers to continue their education. However, the only way she knew how was to go to work in her cousin’s bar in Pattaya. Can a Pattaya bar girl ever go back to being a regular girlfriend or wife? 'Behind The Smile' is a look into one part of Thailand, a country known around the world as 'The Land of Smiles'. The Dream takes up the story of Lek, her family and friends from two years further down the line. In the past, it has always been Lek who issued the ultimata, but this story opens with her having received one and it throws her. She is offered the fulfilment of her oldest dream, but can she take it? The fulfilment of any dream requires sacrifices, but is Lek prepared to make them now that her goal is within her grasp? It is a tough one, which means a hard time for her, although her family and friends are behind her as always. Which way will she go? The instinct to follow her dream and the inertia of a comfortable life in the village, as she gets older vie for supremacy in her mind. As is usual in this series, nothing is hidden from the reader, we are privy to all of Lek's agonizing thoughts.

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Lek - The Beginning

Lek - The Beginning


Lek - The Beginning At twenty-one years of age, Lek, an ordinary, contemporary, farm girl from the northern Thai Rice belt, had to go to Pattaya to work in the leisure industry to help her widowed mother pay off the mortgage to save the farm from foreclosure and keep her siblings in school. This book, The Beginning, shows what her life was like before she had to leave her small, hard-working, but happy village and the only people she had ever known. It depicts the events that made her happy and those that saddened her in her early life from living with her grandmother to surviving with her husband, Tom. At the very last moment, some friends step up to make Lek's transition to life in Thailand's number one sex city just that little bit easier. The Behind The Smile Series is the story of Lek, a bar girl in Pattaya, Thailand. Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family in the northern rice belt of Thailand. A catastrophe occurred out of the blue one day – her father died young with huge debts that the family knew nothing about. Lek was just twenty years of age, and the only one who could prevent the foreclosure of the family farm, and allow her younger sister and two brothers to continue their education. However, the only way she knew how was to go to work in her cousin’s bar in Pattaya. Can a Pattaya bar girl ever go back to being a regular girlfriend or wife? Behind The Smile is a look into one part of Thailand, a country known around the world as 'The Land of Smiles'.

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The Lady In The Tree

The Lady In The Tree


The Lady in the Tree continues straight on from book three, Maya - Illusion. Lek is still in business with her old friend Ayr and they mean business as well, especially when rivals from nearby try to intimidate them. The two friends come up with a daring solution, which they can't even discuss with their friends, family or husbands. Soom is still at university in Bangkok and doing well in spite of having problems of her own, let alone looming final exams, which political upheaval in the capital threatens to disrupt. Craig continues to write, but he realises all of a sudden that he has bigger problems than finishing and selling his books. An old friend and an old lady give the three women some remarkably similar and accurate advice, but where will it get them? The Behind The Smile Series is the story of Lek, a bar girl in Pattaya, Thailand. Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family in the northern rice belt of Thailand. A catastrophe occurred out of the blue one day – her father died young with huge debts that the family knew nothing about. Lek was just twenty years of age, and the only one who could prevent the foreclosure of the family farm, and allow her younger sister and two brothers to continue their education. However, the only way she knew how was to go to work in her cousin’s bar in Pattaya. Can a Pattaya bar girl ever go back to being a regular girlfriend or wife? 'Behind The Smile' is a glimpse into one part of Thailand, a country known around the world as 'The Land of Smiles'. The Lady in the Tree continues straight on from book three, Maya - Illusion. Lek is still in business with her old friend Ayr and they mean business as well, especially when rivals from nearby try to intimidate them. The two friends come up with a daring solution, which they can't even discuss with their friends, family or husbands. Soom is still at university in Bangkok and doing well in spite of having problems of her own, let alone looming final exams, which political upheaval in the capital threatens to disrupt. Craig continues to write, but he realises all of a sudden that he has bigger problems than finishing and selling his books. An old friend and an old lady give the three women some remarkably similar and accurate advice, but where will it get them?

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”Майя - Иллюзия”

”Майя - Иллюзия”


Теперь, когда Лек достигла того, о чем мечтала пятнадцать лет, она начинает задумываться, стоило ли оно того.

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Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones


Stepping Stones picks up the story of Lek, her family and friends in the village of Baan Suay four years on from where The Lady in The Tree finished. Lek and Ayr are still looking to expand, but especially Lek's career in the political arena, where she finds evidence of disturbing activity. Craig is still trying to write a best seller and Soom has graduated from university. In Stepping Stones, we are introduced to the Champunot family from Bangkok, the members of which have a profound effect on Lek, Craig and Soom - one which none of them will ever be able to forget. Stepping Stones reveals more in-depth details of life in a Thai family that has been affected by the inclusion of a falang like how they deal with the strange mixture of traditional and modern Thai life that that situation often creates. The Behind The Smile Series is the story of Lek, a bar girl in Pattaya, Thailand. Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family in the northern rice belt of Thailand. A catastrophe occurred out of the blue one day – her father died young with huge debts that the family knew nothing about. Lek was just twenty years of age, and the only one who could prevent the foreclosure of the family farm, and allow her younger sister and two brothers to continue their education. However, the only way she knew how was to go to work in her cousin’s bar in Pattaya. Can a Pattaya bar girl ever go back to being a regular girlfriend or wife? Behind The Smile is a look into one part of Thailand, a country known around the world as 'The Land of Smiles'. Stepping Stones picks up the story of Lek, her family and friends in the village of Baan Suay four years on from where The Lady in The Tree finished. Lek and Ayr are still looking to expand, but especially Lek's career in the political arena, where she finds evidence of disturbing activity. Craig is still trying to write a best seller and Soom has graduated from university. In Stepping Stones, we are introduced to the Champunot family from Bangkok, the members of which have a profound effect on Lek, Craig and Soom - one which none of them will ever be able to forget. Stepping Stones reveals more in-depth details of life in a Thai family that has been affected by the inclusion of a falang like how they deal with the strange mixture of traditional and modern Thai life that that situation often creates.

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Мёртвый Центр

Мёртвый Центр


В шикарном универмаге в Багдаде взрывается бомба, убивая и калеча десятки невинных покупателей и сотрудников. В течение короткого времени новая, безжалостная порода террористов-смертников ставит в тупик семь полицейских сил мира, поскольку начинается террор, казалось бы, не связанный с религией или политикой. На помощь вызываются компьютерные эксперты китайского правительства и британский SAS, но смогут ли они раскрыть причину этих случайных взрывов до того, как общественность испугается?

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Воодушевляющее Будущее

Воодушевляющее Будущее


«Воодушевляющее будущее» - «Что скрывает улыбка», том 2 В «Daddy's Hobby», первой книге серии «Что скрывает улыбка», Лек познакомилась с мужчиной, Крейгом, который вернулся к ней, а потом увез с собой, знакомиться с мамой. Ее мечты, похоже, начинают сбываться, но не все так гладко, как они оба надеялись. Вернется ли она в кошмар, из которого ей только что удалось сбежать? Крейг пообещал Лек воодушевляющее будущее, если она отбросит опасения и останется с ним, и этот том продолжает историю с того момента, как они вернулись из Уэльса. Это - продолжение трогательной истории жизни Лек, как она учится быть «нормальной» девушкой, а не хитрой барной «девочкой», какой ей приходилось быть в Паттайе. А это, поверьте мне, непросто! Серия «Что скрывает улыбка» - это история любви, начавшейся на фоне секс-индустрии Таиланда, но продолжающейся в деревне.

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