

* A reader lives a thousand lifes before he dies. In the end, we’ll all become stories. That's how I feel about books.


* A reader lives a thousand lifes before he dies. In the end, we’ll all become stories. That's how I feel about books.
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STORY BY Karishma Parveen MS

The billionaire hates me

The billionaire hates me


Mile Arthur, a billionaire who seemingly possessed everything life could offer — wealth, a loving family, loyalty, the luxuries he built for himself . Yet, amidst his busy life where work is a paramount, there was one thing he adamantly avoided: love. That all changed the day he encountered Madeline Adams. "I know why you're friends with my sister," Mile uttered, his voice filled with fury. Madeline, taken aback by the unexpected accusation, felt tears welling up, but she refused to let them fall. She was trying to be brave for herself. Never had anyone ever spoken to her this way. Made her feel so low, like she was nothing in front of him. The pain of his words pierced her heart, she was shattered. "Sara has spent her entire life surrounded by gold diggers like you. Who use her. And I will not let you get close to my sister Madeline.” He said, his eyes turning red in anger as he got closer to Madeline and she was backing away. “GET OUT OF HER LIFE.” He screams on her face, and she flinched The room fell silent, the weight of his words hanging in the air. Madeline stood there as a tumultuous storm inside her. Madeline deeply wishes to defend herself, and explain to him that her intentions were pure, she was like a sister to his sister. But when she looked down and saw the cheque that he threw on her previously, everything broke inside of her. She chucked to herself as he made her feel like nothing and bent down to take the paper which had 20 million written on it. “I will never forget what you did to me here.” She whispered in pain. Little did Mile know, his harsh words would linger in Madeline’s mind, igniting a transformation within him. She hated him, just as much as he did to her.

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The prince and the Author

The prince and the Author


Neve is one of the best selling authors in the entire world. People love her books, cherishing the way she expresses her love stories. But unfortunately in her life things are not as blossoming as she would have thought. Coming from wealth, she still did not get the wealth of love. As her father always wanted a boy and never her, and this disappointment was something she could not get over. But life goes on. Neve is forced to come to Spain for her last book signing trip. For once Neve too wanted to go, stay away from people who rejected her, hated her. Burak, was born a prince, but refused to take that title. Letting his brother have it while he took over his father's company in publishing, in diamond mining and in airlines. Making his business top of its game. However, the only person Burak cared about was his brother, the soon to be king. Burak comes to meet him in Spain, before his brother takes the title. However, that same night he meet Neve, as she was the author of his own publishing house. However, things do not go as they were suppose to. As two different people meet in a foreign land and their hate grows on each other. The most toughest man in the world, who never smile, meets a girl who only hopes for happiness, love and romance. Their ideas did not match, ending them having a huge fight on the first meet. Neve absolutely hated his attitude towards her and he couldn't handle the way she took life so easily. However, as it was time to go back home, Neve realized that she did not want back to her family who does not love her, and to a man who left her. She wished to stay back in Spain by herself. Explore the world but unfortunately she was to have company that she did not like. "What do you think you are doing Miss Hall?" Burak asked from behind her, forcing Neve turn around. "I am not going back home. I want to stay." She said, turning back to the driver. "Please take this luggage into my car.." She said as the man nodded his head, walking away and Burak was pissed off. "Miss Hall..." The prince was losing his mind. "You do not know this place." He said. "Then I will get to know this place.." Neve said smirking at the large man in front of her. "You don't even speak the language.." "I will try my best to do something about it." She said like it was nothing. "You don't even know what to order for food.. Do you prefer to have food poisoning, yet again? like you did yesterday?" He asked, and yet Neve was smiling, not trying to lose her cool. "Why you are doing this?" Burak asked, and she scrunched her face. "I do not want to tell you about my personal life, but I need this. And you can't stop me. I want to be away for sometime and away from people. And why do you even care?. I thought you said you cannot stand my voice." Neve said, making the man pinch the bridge of his nose.. Irritated as well. "It's good right? Now we don't have to listen to each others voice." She said smiling brightly, while they stood right next to his private plane. He was simply looking at her, carefully, tryign to understand her. "Good bye then, Mr. Moskal. And tell your brother that I will see his crowning on TV ." She said, turning around and walking away, while Burak stood there. He did not know her that much but in those three days that he has spend with her, he knew that she wouldn't be able to do this. And even through this was his better judgement, Burak knew exactly what he had to do. The man shut his eyes tight, angry with himself. But he was not going to leave her alone in this stranger and foreign land. Even though they both hated each other.

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Mafia's bride

Mafia's bride


Jude Vos Bonavich the most feared Mafia lord in the world, one of the most dangerous man to have lived in Italy. But Jude was a man of principle, a family man as well. The world fear him and they all had many reasons to do so, but at the same time, the world also did name him their own hero because Jude was a man who couldn't let his people suffer as well. In this world that he lives in, Jude Vos had seen too much, had been apart of too much as well. But while his life was going on as it should, a horrible and gruesome incident took something that was very precious to him. A man he could call his father, Sillas Gustavo. His mentor, a former mafia lord that had stepped down, and a man that taught Jude everything he knew now. That man was killed right in front of him, his screams still being heard everyday as he had to live through it all. And it seemed like everything shattered for Jude as he saw it all happen right in front of him. However, everything did not end for Jude once Sillas was gone. Jude wanted revenge for what happened to man that saved him, gave him purpose and a life. But before he could do any of that, Jude first had to take in a responsibility that Sillas had left him with, and that was his daughter, Sylvian Melete Gustavo. The only daughter of Sillas Gautavo. A student of Fashion institute of technology in New York. An amazing and beautiful girl with a charming personality. She is purely filled with love and care for this world. Doing what she loves to do and surrounded with love and family, friends. She was completely oblivious to that life her father lived, to what her father was to this world. And Sillas made sure that his beautiful daughter would never get to know what he was truly and what her name too represents as well. He never wanted his daughter to know he was a Mafia lord and now just a business man in Italy. He never wanted her to see him in that light ever. And knowing this world he lived in too well, Sillas wanted to keep her away and always protected, because she was everything to him, his little princess, live, his wealth. However, this truth wasn't hide from her for too long. The moment she herself saw her father's death right in front of her eyes, everything was shattered for her, she was broken, scared, not even living. The reality of his truth was out, the pain was insufferable and brutal but that wasn't the end of it all. Because before the man died, there was letter written by Sillas, and that letter was addressed to both Sylvaine and Jude, as his wish was written tin there for both of them. A note that would change both Sylvaine and Jude's life forever. A note that would change them as well, change their belief, life, thoughts, and even hope. But now there was a life waiting for Sylvain, a life filled with violence, guns, people who were now coming after here. A life as brutal as possible. But she wasn't in that all alone this time.... neither one of them was.

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A long time ago there lived a King Atien of Ranaghirel and his Queen Raina of Ranaghirel along with their beautiful newborn baby girl Gemma, the princess of Ranafirel. The people love the kingdom they were in, they lived a happy and abundant life together until one day. On the 1 year anniversary of the princess and old mistress, an extremely vicious and powerful witch happened to have visited the king himself. realizing that the king had always lied to her and had baby with another woman and she felt betrayed by the man who promised her the world. In a complete rage she killed them both to the kingdom to herself but she spared the princess. the new Queen kept her alive only to place the most dangerous curse on the infant while cursing the land with her. Placing a dangerous demon within the princess, making her a host, only to leave the princess broken shell as she was nothing. Only alive for her people, she still leaved on, feeding on them. ........................................................................ Noah a former knight of the new Queen. Who saved all the victims of the Queen and gave them shelter, food, safety. Now as their leader and the Alpha of a village far from the kingdom, keeping them away from the queen and her deadly weapon. Noah's life once used to be filled with love and happiness too but all this ended when his wife, the woman he love was brutally kill. Now only a broken man, he too was like the princess, alive only for his people. What will happen when circumstances change for both of them, when she escapes from the castle and end up in his village. Two different people, different world but filled with similar suffering and enemy. Will she ever know the meaning of life and happiness, worth. will he ever love again, trust, find peace.

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Lydia Shyie Robbinson is the daughter of Millionaire Benjamin Robbinson. She is the Heiress of the Robbinson Empire and the next in line to be the CEO after her father. Lydia truly has the luxury of everything and is living the life of a princess. But Lydia dream was to be a writer just like her late mom. She always felt like she was meant to do this and be a writer. Her father, on the other hand, wanted Lydia to take over the empire but that was not something she wanted to be a part of and her father didn't seem to understand that. .......................................................... Kade Arthur Sullivan is one of the richest man in New York and the most desired man in the world. But in real life Kade was the most workaholic human to have ever existed and he never really had a personal like, more like he never wanted a personal life. Now because of some circumstances the Sullivans and the Robbinson who have been the biggest rivals for years now have to come together and start working together with each other. What will happen when Kade and Lydia meet each other? and what will happen between them as both of them now have to work together?. Will the rivals be able to work things out or will their different personalities crash?. Will Lydia and Kade be able to push back their differences and come close to each other?. Because that was something they both were never able to do before with anyone else. Will something happen between them?.

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Alpha King

Alpha King


Lara O'Cornell is Alpha Dominic's daughter. The Alpha who has the 5th strongest and largest pack in the world. But being the big bad alpha's daughter Lara never shifted. She 20 years old now but her wolf hasn't came out yet. But that did not bother Lara. She trained hard and was one of the best fighter in her pack. Lara had everything. She had good friends, a loving family, pack members who respected her but there was one thing she did not have and that was a mate. Aiden Damon Red. The Alpha king. The ruler of the werewolf kingdom. Aiden is a amazing king but he also can be ruthless. He is strong, stronger than anything out there. He is loyal, protective, possessive, rude, ruthless. The king has it all. He has respect, love, kingdom, family to protect. But there was one thing he didn't have and have been trying to find and that was his mate. What will happen when they both find out that they both are mates. Soul mates. Will the king except her. Or will he reject the gift from the moon goddess?. What happens when everyone figures out that Lara isn't who they thought she is.

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Forced to Marry the Billionaire

Forced to Marry the Billionaire


Lucas Roman Black, billionaire who literally has everything , an amazing family, closest friends, the luxury of life, all in all, there is nothing he doesn't have, or he cannot buy. Work and family are the only things that's important to him. He has no time for love. well all that changes when he meets Anna Madeline Smith. "I know why you're friends with my sister." Lucas had a furious look in his eyes "She has spent her entire life with gold diggers like you,leave her alone, Anna, get out of her life, do you understand me?." Anna has never been spoken to like this before, tears were filling up in her eyes, but she didn't want to cry in front of him. but she was hurt and heart broken. The pain was too much for her.

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