

I am just a lover of love, and love discovering myself in writting and reading books from other authors i draw my inspiration from anything from a song to a scene in a movie.


I am just a lover of love, and love discovering myself in writting and reading books from other authors i draw my inspiration from anything from a song to a scene in a movie.
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STORY BY Teanelle Nadine




When Lilly met Max, she thought that she had met the perfect man. He was saying and doing all the right things and swept her right off her feet. Things were going well until he broke into her house one night, bleeding heavily and on the verge of death. Without having any experience driving cats, she had to drive him to his hideout house where she had had to nurse him back to health. This was when she discovered the kind of man she was with, Max was the most feared gangster in the city. Lilly had always heard about him but never thought he was this close true to her. She felt a mixture of fear and betrayal when she found this out. She resolved to leave him once he got better, but he resolved to win her back. However, Lilly gathered up the strength and walked away from him, not knowing that the worst was still to come.

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The forbidden alpha queen

The forbidden alpha queen


“This is the big secret that you beloved king was keeping from you. His “son” is no man at all.” James declared. The royal Court was packed with not only pack members but also alphas of every pack that was in our kingdom. I had been tricked into attending this meeting by the wolf I trusted the most and a wolf that I considered as my father. My very own uncle had connived with and helped my father choose a mate that would ultimately be my downfall. Sophia, the one my father had allowed before he died had worked with my uncle James to expose who I truly was. They had both made sure that no one would ever listen to what I had to say. No o e was on my side, they all wanted me dead. “if she is a woman prove it…” one of the alphas said and the rest burst out laughing. “j can prove it” James said looking at me in the eye and the ripping my clothes off. I was completely humiliated as I tried to cover myself up with my hands. I dropped to my knees and let out a loud cry. I raised my head and looked at James who looked at me with so much resentment. I don’t think I had ever been hated by anyone this much. “she us a woman, and I have a question for you alphas…will you be led by a mere woman? She is not just any woman but a woman who was willing to live her life deceiving the entire kingdom’he said “no” the crowd echoed “What punishment should be given to her?” he asked “I am the Ionly one fit to take over thus throne and you all agree…am I right?” he asked me and it seemed they all did. Evened if some didn’t agree they wouldn’t dare speak up fearing that they would suffer the same fate as me. “I say we throw her off the cliff” James said “You…..” I started speaking as they quieted down “you may do as you wish…but I promise you that you will pay” I shouted. “how will I pay for anythjng? Why would I pay for anythung when you and your father are the ones who brought thjs on us” James said. “She must die!” someone from the crowd shouted but I couldn’t see who it was. I wanted to see all their faces and memorize them. I didn’t k ow how I was going to get out of this vut I was going to find a way out, I knew that this wasn’t the end of the road for me. I was going to fight for justice for myself and my mother. If anyone should have been punished for this it should have been my gather. He was the one who planned this and now I was suffering because of him I was led out of the royal court by guards and all the elders of the pack. They were gojng to parade me in the kingdom to further disgrace me. Aby respect that I had left from my subjects was going to be destroyed by me walking around in my bra and panties. Maybe this was a good things, maybe I could finally live my life the way I wajted to but then again, what life did I have left? What if I didnr make it? Th gear of dying at their hands paralyzed me and I almost stopped walking but I was pushed forward by the guards behind. W.

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The Alpha Prince's Forbidden Mate

The Alpha Prince's Forbidden Mate


“What the hell is wrong with you, Laila?” he demanded as he stormed towards me “I refuse to live my life like this anymore, Father. You keep throwing me from one man to the other, and I have had enough” I shouted, and he slapped “You think you have a choice in this?” he asked me ”You think this is about what you want? This has nothing to do with what you want, you owe me this Laila” he said, and I had never heard my father talk like this. “I owe you?” I asked him, and he nodded “It is your fault that all this is happening to me, you are the one who killed your mother” he accused, and as soon as he mentioned my mother, my tears started streaming down my face “But you never tell me anything about her when I ask. If you felt that I was responsible for her death, you should have told me this a long time ago,” I said “If you had never been born, she would have never died,” he said “If you had never slept with her she would have never died” I spat, and he slapped me once more and I heard a ringing in my ear. “How dare you speak to me like that….you abomination,” he said bitterly “Father…” I whispered “you don’t even have the right to call me that. Why can’t you just do what you are told for once?” he asked me ”all you had to do was marry the man and give him as many children as he wants, but you are too useless to do that too, aren’t you?” he shouted “I already told you that I am tired of this life. You can pay your debts yourself from now on” I said, and he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the house. Was he about to make me sleep outside again all because he had a point to prove? “Since you won’t let me make money and pay off the debt you will have to go and explain yourself to the man that I owe,” he said as he opened his car and threw me inside. .

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ELENA’S POV “Please father, please, I am begging you don’t do this to me”, I begged my father as he threw my clothes in a small bag. “I promise that I will be good”, I begged, as if I was being thrown out for my bad behavior when I was really a good child. I always followed my parents' rules and accepted everything that they decided for me, but this was one thing that I simply refused to accept. “Elena, you have to do this. You have to do this for your family. Don’t be selfish, think of your little sister. Would you rather she did this for you?” he asked, pointing at my twelve-year-old little sister, and I shook my head. I would never want her to suffer the same fate as mine. However, that didn't mean that I thought what was happening to me was fair. That didn't mean that I thought I deserved to be sold off to a man older than me. “ Then accept this, everyone in this family has a responsibility and this is yours” he declared, and he packed the few items that were remaining in my closet. "your mother and I have been making sacrifices for you ever since you were born, it's your turn now," he said and I couldn't believe that my own father was selling me off as payment for the fact that he raised me, he might not have put it like that but that was exactly how it sounded to me. “I will work to pay him off please father”, I begged once more as he threw my clothes out of the room. Was he really kicking me out of his house? This wasn't the way that I had imagined it would be for me when I finally left my home. It felt like my own father was kicking me out of this house instead of sending me to a man who was supposed to be my mate. “ Come on Elena, you have always known that one day you will come of age and you will have to move into your mate’s house,” my mother said in her calming voice, but there was nothing calming about this situation. I couldn't believe they were trying to brainwash me into believing that that man was my mate. “He is not my mate” I exclaimed.

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I never thought that having two mates at the same time was possible, I never thought the moon goddess would ever make mistakes. When my turn to find my mate came, I never thought I would be mated to the infamous alpha Donovan. He was every woman’s dream and every man’s nightmare, when he walked in a room women would marvel at the power he possessed and the man would shriek in fear and shrink in size. What woman wouldn’t want a man like that. I wasn’t the lowest of omegas but I wasn't in the high ranks either if he had not met me that night he wouldn’t even know that I existed. Or maybe not, he would have known about me one way or the other but I guess the outcome would have always been the same…he would have rejected me and I would have probably ended up in the position that I was in right now. It was funny how my admiration for this man had turned into pure fear for him and then pure resentment and all n a short space of time. Now I had a decision to make, a decision that would have been simple had Donovan not forced me to come back here and work hard to winning my love back again. They were now two and I could only have one.

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“We love you my princess and don’t ever forget us, never take off this necklace it will always protect you” my mother whispered as they both prepared for their death, I couldn’t help tearing up. I didn’t understand anything that was happening. I tried to pull my dad by his morning gown but he simply detached himself from my grasp and told me to stay in the closet and not make a sound no matter what. A few minutes later I heard gun shots and growling. We were being attacked by another wolf. But why? My parents got along with everyone here, why would another wolf attack us in the middle of the night I though as I burst out of the closet in tears and opened the window. I carefully climbed out and as soon as my feet hit the ground I ran as fast as I could. Once hidden by the bushes I looked back only to be see a pair of red eyes that scared me i turned on my heels and ran as fast as my feet could carry me, tears clouding my eyes, I tripped on a broken branch and hurt my knee and cried for my mother but somehow I knew that i was never going to see he again. I cried even harder and stopped immediately when I saw a torchlight approaching I quickly hid myself in the thick bushes nearby. I couldn’t see him but I knew he was the murderer I covered my mouth with my hands hoping he couldn’t hear my loud breathing and luckily he seemingly gave up looking and jogged off, I quietly came out of the bushes careful not to make a sound and suddenly I heard growling behind me and I knew I had been caught”

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Stalking The Hybrid

Stalking The Hybrid


“Please let me stay, I won’t be any trouble, I’ll even agree to be your maid or even a slave....if you kick me out now where will I go. I will become a rogue and I will be hunted for the rest of my life, that’s if I don’t die the moment you kick m e out” I begged the new Alpha as his bodyguards carried me and my bags out of the gate. I sobbed but my heart breaking sobs went unheard and no paid any attention to my pleas. For eighteen years now, all I had known was this castle as my home, it was my home with my parents, but my father’s Beta, was too greedy to let me rule after my parents were killed (probably by him) all because I was a female, but that wasn’t the worst of it, he kicked me out because he didn’t want me to grow up and challenge him. God forbid a female hybrid think she is worthy of the throne of the northern pack, no woman had a place to rule there. But now I was officially a rogue, with no family, no parents and no pack to have my back and protect me. Despite all this however I was still determined to make it. I was determined to forget my past; I was shunned and hated for being a hybrid. But now I was going to camouflage myself amongst the humans, they were the only beings that I could fit in with now...

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Miranda is an Orphaned omega who has looked forward to meeting her mate all her life. she believed that her mate would be the one who would make life better and bearable for her. but Tomas is the exact opposite of that, he is a cruel Alpha prince who would rather be with someone of a higher class than be with a nobody like Miranda. embarrassed that he has been mated to her, he kidnaps her and keeps her locked up while torturing and mistreating but Miranda keeps her hope for a better futre alive until she gets pregnant. Cindy, Tomas's chosen mate realizes that Miranda is pregnant and attacks Miranda causing her to lose the baby in the process. she then convinces Tomas to kill Miranda so that they can start their lives together and he agrees. he beats Miranda up and dumps her lifeless body in the forest where she is picked by a human old lady who helps her get back into shape. Miranda returns back to her village with a new man and a new attitude and she is out for revenge. is she really over Tomas or is she just taunting him?

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The Apha’s Last Virgin Mate

The Apha’s Last Virgin Mate


“Jasper, if you don’t do it I will” she said with fire in her eyes. “I am sorry, but I can’t do it this time. I can’t kill her she is my mate for crying out loud” I said. “And she is our mother, we always choose our mother over strangers and she is a stranger” she said pointing at my mate who was lying motionless on the ground. She had already ingested the poison and half the job was done. “But we already finished our mating ritual, this will damage me. If she dies now I could also die” I tried negotiating but Ruth shook her head. “I won’t let you die and we are wasting time right now. If you wait for her to wake up she will be in more pain than you want her to be in. Just do it and get it over and done with because I know you don’t want me to do this my way” she said and that sounded more like a threat than anything else to me. It didn’t matter what she said, there was just no way that I could do this…

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The thin line between love and hate

The thin line between love and hate


“Why did you do it?” I asked my sister who was lying lifelessly on the ground “R…” she guggled up blood as she tried to say my name and just like that my only sister was dead right in my arms. What had Logan done to her? Ever since she came back from his mansion after he rejected her she was never the same and I just knew that he had done something to her. Why had he rejected her in such a cruel way? He knew what his rejection would do to my family and yet he just rejected her like she was nothing, he cared about no one but himself. I didn’t even want to imagine the horror of what she had gone through while she was living in his mansion, was she being mistreated because she came from a family of nobodies in the village? The fact that she died in my arms woke up a hunger in me, and that hunger was for revenge. Logan was going to regret the day he ever rejected my sister and by the time I was done with him, he was going to pray to the moon goddess to end his miserable life on earth….

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