The night has fallen in the corners and streets of Grisaia. An established city, yet with lots of interesting tales to offer. With their history passing down through the tongue, the real and myths have stirred together, not knowing what’s real anymore.
We follow a young adult, a 28 years old Amadeus Galiet Licand, who is on his way to his quarters but was abruptly interrupted by a herald, a messenger.
He stands firm, waiting for what the man has to say, with his regular weary state.
The herald bows and speaks his mind.
“The Royal Highness has asked you to report to her, first thing in the morning at the Queen’s Chamber,” he said.
‘At the Queen’s chamber?’ He thought.
“What could this be about?” He asked.
“I’m afraid, you have to discover this on your own as it was how your majesty wishes,” he replied before he respectfully leaves Amadeus.
Amadeus retires to his quarters, a rather neat room he has; as he wonders what the Queen will require him for, he concludes to call it a night.
It clunks when he lifts off his steel-plated cuirass as if it could speak; it would say it’s tired from all the battle it has witnessed. His nearly worn-out long sword clanged the same when he rested it in the rack.
‘Yeah — me too,’ he thought as he agreed. He was drained from all the battles, not from the combat itself but from its psychological outcome.
With a retreating sigh, our man cleared out his remaining armor and dragged himself to bed to have a good night’s rest.
The sun rises with its light reaching his room, caressing his fair skin and tired muscles. With the crowd’s murmurs and a rooster’s crows, our man woke up and began his day with a black grayed tunic, pants, and a leather belt to address the Royal Highness at her chambers.
‘Stepping in this enormous palace it’s easy to lose oneself and wonder, what can a Queen ask of you in her very own chamber,’ he thought, as he was closing in at the Queen’s chamber.
One of the Queen’s guards immediately recognized him and knocked on the Queen’s chamber door.
He stands ready as he waits.
“Your majesty?” The guards asked for consent.
“Please, come on in,” the Queen replied.
The guard bows, and he spoke.
“Your Majesty, Amadeus is waiting at the door and ready to meet you.”
“Let him proceed,” she ordered.
Lavish accessories, golds from each corner, and the luxurious long gown tunic with gold threads caught Amadeus’ eyes as he bows to the Queen and the lady in the corner.
Queen Catherine is exceptionally beautiful, known to be a good ruler in Grisaia, as being great gets you killed makes her smart in a way. The corner has a beautiful dame to offer as she sits in her light blue dress and pearl earrings; she is as beautiful.
While our man is in awe, The Queen unsheathed a sword and called onto him. “Sir Amadeus Galiet Licand — you have accomplished incredible feats — you have been braved, and just in every battle, as well as being skilled in the arts of fighting,” The Queen said, preparing to accolade Amadeus.
‘Sir? Am I getting accolades,’ He thought as he shows his doubt expression.
“Your majesty I don’t think I deserve those—” before he could even finish, The Queen interrupted him.
“Come kneel, Amadeus, and be a formal knight,” she said, without a hint of doubt.
He walks closer as he questions himself in his mind about the Queen’s decision.
“Your majesty, I am truly honored with this, but I don’t think I deserve such an honored title,” he said with slight guilt in his eyes.
“Don’t be foolish, you deserve even from a young age, and it is your Queen’s order,” The Queen declared herself as she dismisses his feelings.
She uses the sword to point out the floor, implying Amadeus to come and kneel. “Kneel,” she ordered.
Knowing the Queen has already made her mind. Without further ado, he knelt.
The Queen pointed the accolade sword leveled in his temple, gradually down to tap Amadeus’ shoulder.
“Advance my Knight in the name of your Queen,” The Queen declared as she tapped his shoulder.
“Advance my Knight and be bold, be brave and loyal,” she said as she tapped his other shoulder.
The Queen gazed at his eyes, seeing a mixed feeling of happiness and guilt.
“Arise Amadeus Galiet Licand A Knight of Grearia and Grisaia Kingdoms.” The Queen announced.
The guards that were nearby and the lady clapped on his new honored title.
“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Amadeus said as he stands diligently in front of the Queen.
The Queen preceded herself to sit before giving a signal to the guard to present him with a gift.
A fine handmade knight’s doublet and a long sharp sword were shown to him.
“Please accept my little gifts for you, Sir Amadeus, as well as what I am about to ask of you,” The Queen said.
“Anything, your majesty, I’ll be at your service,” as he put his fist to his chest and bowed to the Queen.
“I will have to ask you to escort my daughter Beatrice back to Grearia Palace.” She said.
He turns to a glance at the dame who stands, realizing it’s the Princess; he put on a warm smile as he bows.
“Her Highness,” he said to Princess Beatrice.
The Princess replied to him with a pleasant smile.
“I will have to ask for your secrecy in this matter. I don’t want anyone knowing the Princess has left the palace, until you and my daughter are on your way,” The Queen said in a much more serious tone.
“Of course, Your highness,” he said.
‘What the secrecy could be about, although this is a splendid opportunity to visit my home Grearia,’ he thought.
“Leave in the afternoon. I have arranged a few skilled Royal Guards to reduce the attention that will be fully at your service,” she said.
She stands up to glance at her window, to watch her people from above.
“I trust your skill, and we are in peaceful times,” she said.
She turned back to stare at him.
“I’m sure my daughter will be safe in your hands,” she added.
“I won’t fail you, Your Royal Highness,” he said.
She turns her eyes at her daughter. “I know — my daughter will stay here until you are ready, Sir Amadeus of Grearia, that is all,” she said.
He bows once more and respectfully retreated outside the chamber with a new task.
One of the Queen’s Guard spoke.
“Sir Amadeus, I have sent your gifts to your quarters,” he said.
“Thank you,” as he gathers himself and walks away.
‘A knight. I don’t deserve this title. I may be skilled, but I’m not just,’ he thought.
As he was about to enter his quarters, he noticed a Royal Guard was inside.
“Forgive me, Sir Amadeus, I have brought your Knight’s doublet and Your Longsword,” the Royal guard said.
“Thank you, this is very well made,” he said; as he checked the quality of the doublet, he considered it would be better if it was a newly plated armor.
“I am Sir Luke Redard of Grisaia. It’s nice to finally meet you, Sir Amadeus Licand of Grearia, but I will take my leave now and give you some moments alone,” he said.
“Much appreciated, Sir Luke Redard of Grisaia,” he replied.
Clearing the door halfway as he prepares to leave, he stops to speak once more.
“I would — also need to prepare our men for our departure this afternoon,” He said.
He turned to Amadeus as he continued to speak.
“It would be nice if you meet them before we go on our way,” he added.
“I will do so. I’ll need to get something first, and I’ll head in the yard afterward,” he replied.
“I’ll be waiting for you there, Sir,” Luke said before he left.
Afterward, Amadeus wears the Knight’s doublet bringing only a short sword, as he makes his way to the marketplace.
The markets are filled with everything one might need, food, animals, weapons, trinkets, and toys; one thing Amadeus needs is a wooden toy uniquely made here at Grisaia that he could give to those kids back in his home Grearia.
Amadeus wanders to the market while people bust from one place to another. He could overhear some crowds talking.
“Have you heard Lord Kristoff has finally found someone to marry?”
“Really? That piece of sh*t lord?”
“Shh, he can whip you all day by saying that.”
‘Typical lord,’ Amadeus reflected as he sighs.
Our man found a small shop; as he entered to peek around, he saw different trinkets, wooden swords, and a particular wooden toy that depicts a wolf-like monster.
The merchant leaves his post and walks near Amadeus.
“Ahh, from the fang forest,” he said.
The merchant refers his hand to the toy. “Werewolf, the legend is true there is a beast among animals.”
He looks at Amadeus as he continues to speak.
“Humans are not an exception, as we are animals in a way.”
‘I have seen humans that are much more beast than animals,’ Amadeus thought.
“Hmm, I will take this,” he said as he nodded.
He throws a bit of coin to the Old merchant; as he opens the door, the merchant speaks once more.
“Few people have seen them, but once they do, I don’t figure out one will be alive to tell the tale.”
‘Bunch of sales pitches,’ he thought.
He resumed his way, as he had what he needed. He purchased a slice of jerk meat from a food stand, which he ate while on his way to the yard.
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